Prime Time 1, Coursebook

Unit 1 Welcome task 12 1: Hello, my name is Emilia. What’s your name? 2: Hi Emilia, I’m Stephanie. Where are you from, Emilia? 3: I’m from Italy and where are you from? 4: I’m from Hungary and I’m eleven years old. How old are you? 5: I’m eleven too. 6: Alright. I have to go now. See you later. task 13 1: Work in a group with your partners. 2: f Listen to an audio track. 3: For this task you can find online material. 4: You can find this listening online. 5: Work with a partner. 6: n I need help. 7: v Write the answer/a text. Unit 2 My school is cool task 8a 1: schoolbag 2: on my desk 3: pink ruler 4: English books 5: next to 6: there’s task 8b Hello, my name is … and I am 11 years old. On my desk there are three English books and there’s a pencil case . I’ve got two pens and four pencils in my pencil case. Next to my English books, there is a ruler . It is pink. My schoolbag is yellow and red. task 9 Sample text: My name is … . My school is in Upper Austria. I’m in class 1C. Our classroom is very big and it is on the second floor. In my school there’s a cafeteria and a library. The headteacher’s office is on the ground floor. In my school there are many teachers and students. My school is cool and I like it. Unit 3 My family and my friends task 11 2: are 3: old are 4: has Mario got 5: What is/What’s his task 12 2: Paul and Hannah are the children’s grandparents parents . 3: Nick is Theo’s brother son … . 4: … and Lisa is Theo’s daughter granddaughter . 5: … and Paul is Hannah’s uncle husband . Unit 4 My day task 12a 2: wakes up 3: nine o’clock 4: eat 5: has 6: doesn’t eat 7: ten past eleven 8: meets 9: don’t play 10: chat 11: have 12: doesn’t eat 13: twelve o’clock 14: have task 12b Sample text basic: In the morning I get up at six o’clock. I have breakfast with my family at half past six. I go to school at half past eight. I have lunch a twelve o’clock. I do my homework from half past three to four o’clock. I play games with my friends at a quarter to five. I go to bed at a quarter past nine. Sample text advanced: In the morning I get up at six o’clock. I have breakfast with my family at half past six. I go to school at half past seven. I have lessons from eight o’clock till half past two. I have lunch at a quarter to twelve. My friends and I go to the canteen and eat a sandwich or some salad. In the afternoon I do my homework and then I play games or watch TV . Unit 5 Shopping task 10a 1: a bottle of water , juice 2: a box of chocolates 3: a pack of batteries 4: a packet of crisps 5: a pound of oranges 6: a tin of tomatoes task 10b 2: lollies 3: batteries 4: jelly beans 5: boys 6: Fridays task 11a A: Can I help you? B: I’m looking for a present for a friend. Do you have the new Moonshaker CD? A: Hmm, let me see … No, I’m sorry we don’t. But we have a new CD by the Sunnymakers. It’s brand new. B: Well, how much is it? A: It’s 17.99. B: Hmm, that’s quite a lot. I’ll think about it. A: Thank you. Unit 6 Fun with games task 12 ludo task 13 181 one hundred and eighty-one Key Show what you can do Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv