Prime Time 1, Coursebook

Climate and weather (unit 11) 2 climate !*klaImEt? The climate in England is not very hot in summer and not very cold in winter. Klima (das) period !*pIEriEd? of time I was there for a long period of time . Zeitabschnitt (der) pattern !*pxtn? Her T-shirt has a black and white pattern . Muster (das) particular !pE*tIkjElE? Polar bears live in a particular region of the world. bestimmte/-r/-s tropical !*trOpIkl? It’s very hot in tropical countries. tropisch temperate !*temprEt? In a temperate climate temperatures aren’t very high or low. mild (Klima) polar !*pEUlE? A polar climate is cold all the year round. polar (Klima) 3 average !*xvrIdZ? In Austria the average summer temperature is 23°C. Durchschnitts-, durchschnittlich moderate !*mOdrEt? A moderate climate has no weather extremes. gemäßigt (Klima) monsoon !mOn*su"n? During the monsoon there is a lot of rain. Monsun (der) 4 completely !kEm*pli"tli? different from In India the climate is completely different from ours at home. ganz anders als air conditioning !kEn*dISnIN? When it’s hot, air conditioning is nice. Klimaanlage (die) traffic !*trxfIk? Heavy snowfalls made the traffic stop. Verkehr (der) to last !lA"st? The monsoon lasts from June to September. dauern Animal news (unit 14) 1 fox (pl. foxes) I saw a fox in our garden yesterday. Fuchs (der) rubbish !*r0bIS? bin We found our rubbish bin on its side. Mülltonne (die) ground !graUnd? There was snow on the ground . (Erd-)Boden (der) on a lead !li"d? A dog has to be on a lead in the park. an der Leine in the countryside !*k0ntrIsaId? They like living in the countryside . auf dem Land accident !*xksIdEnt? Many foxes die in accidents on the roads. Unfall (der) on the roads !rEUdz? There’s a lot of traffic on the roads today. auf den Straßen berry !*beri? (pl. berries) I like all kinds of berries . Beere (die) to smell sth. Foxes can smell old food in the rubbish bins. etw. riechen to prefer !prI*f3"? sth. – preferred sth. Foxes prefer to live with other foxes. etw. lieber mögen – mochte etw. lieber human ( being ) !hju"mEn *bi"IN? Foxes are not dangerous for human beings . Mensch (Gegensatz zu Tier) aggressive !E*gresIv? She gets aggressive if I use her mobile. aggressiv ( fox ) cub !k0b? A fox cub is a young fox. Fuchswelpe (der) 2 pack !pxk? Foxes live in packs of up to 20 animals. Rudel (das) to hunt !h0nt? Foxes hunt small animals like mice or rats. jagen to glow !glEU? The eyes of a fox glow green at night. glühen miles per hour !*aUE? We travelled at 50 miles per hour . Meilen pro Stunde 180 Vocabulary one hundred and eighty Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv