Prime Time 1, Coursebook

My classroom What a mess! a) Look c at the picture and answer v the questions. iv6px3 Pronunciation Listen and repeat: [ t ] and [ d ] Listen and repeat. Then read the sentence aloud: T ina, T om and T ony t alk about d oors and d esks at school. P 1.15 s5d9dn 4 1. Where is the yellow book? It is on a desk. 2. Where is the turquoise CD player? It is the cupboard. 3. Where are the three orange erasers? They are a chair. 4. Where is the pink and white schoolbag? It is the bin. 5. Where are the two green rulers? They are the desk. 6. Where is the globe? It is the bookshelf. 7. Where are Marko and Ivana? They are the cupboard. 8. Where is Claudia? She is the desk. b) Draw your classroom. Then write v six sentences with in , on , under , next to about your classroom. Start like this: In my classroom there is a cupboard in the corner. There are two books on my desk. … Grammar See 1 G 6 Where is …? / Where’s …? Singular (one thing): Where is your schoolbag? Where is your ruler? Where are …? Plural (more than one thing): Where are your English books? Where are the kids? G 18 2 Unit My school is cool eighteen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv