Prime Time 1, Coursebook

costume !*kOstju"m? We will need costumes for everyone. Theaterkostüm (das) slide !slaId? Come on, it’s my turn on the slide now. Rutsche (die) treasure hunt !*treZE h0nt? Get into teams for the treasure hunt . Schatzsuche (die) to explain !Ik*spleIn? Can you explain how to do the task? erklären 2 tyre !*taIE? My bike needs a new tyre . Reifen (der) wheel !wi"l? A bike has got two wheels . Rad (das) saddle !*sxdl? I sit on the saddle when I ride my bike. Sattel (der) frame !freIm? My bike’s frame is yellow and black. Rahmen (der) stem !stem? The stem is in the front of my bike. Lenkerschaft (der) handlebars !*hxndlbA"z? My bike’s handlebars are green. Lenkstange (die) shock absorber !Eb*sC"bE? A mountain bike has got shock absorbers . Dämpfer (der) ( disc ) brake !breIk? The disc brake stops my bike. (Scheiben-)Bremse (die) pedal !*pedl? A bike has got two pedals . Pedal (das) chain !tSeIn? Usually the chain is quite dirty. Kette (die) to be popular !*pOpjElE? with She is popular with all her classmates. beliebt sein bei to sweat !swet? Mountain biking makes you sweat . schwitzen regularly !*regjElEli? It’s important to drink water regularly . regelmäßig Keeping fit (units 8 and 10) 1 food pyramid !*pIrEmId? A food pyramid shows different kinds of food. Ernährungspyramide (die) at the bottom !*bOtEm? At the bottom you can find carbohydrates. am unteren Ende carbohydrates !kA"bEU*haIdreIts? Bread and rice are carbohydrates . Kohlenhydrate (die) potato !pE*teItEU? (pl. potatoes) French fries are made from potatoes . Kartoffel (die) rice !raIs? I’d like some rice with the fish, please. Reis (der) serving !*s3"vIN? We need six servings a day. Portion (die) energy !*enEdZi? It takes a lot of energy to babysit my sister. Energie (die) playground !*pleIgraUnd? Let’s go to the playground . Spielplatz (der) Brussels sprouts !br0slz *spraUts? Brussels sprouts are vegetables. Kohlsprossen (die) in fact !fxkt? In fact Mike’s a very good football player. tatsächlich minerals !*mInrElz? Your body needs minerals to stay healthy. Mineralstoffe (die) human !*hju"mEn? Here’s a book about the human body. menschlich dairy !*deEri? products Dairy products are made from milk. Milchprodukte (die) yoghurt !*jOgEt? I eat my muesli with yoghurt or with milk. Joghurt (das) fats !fxts? Fats are near the top of the food pyramid. Fette (die) lettuce !*letIs? Tortoises often eat lettuce . Kopfsalat (der) fewer !*fju"E? I should have fewer servings a day. weniger honest !*OnIst? Cliff is an honest person. I believe him. ehrlich 2 the heaviest !*heviEst? The heaviest tomato weighed 3.5 kg. der/die/das schwerste to weigh !weI? My dog weighs about 9 kg. wiegen (Gewicht) scientist !*saIEntIst? A scientist studies nature. Wissenschaftler (der), Wissen- schaftlerin (die) 179 one hundred and seventy-nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv