Prime Time 1, Coursebook

3 souvenir !su"vE*nIE? Do you want to keep this flag as a souvenir ? Andenken (das) fridge magnet !*mxgnEt? She collects fridge magnets from the USA. Kühlschrankmagnet (der) to download !*daUnlEUd? sth. I want to download a new app. etw. ( vom Internet ) herunterladen Plans for our holiday 4 destination !destI*neISn? I’m in Rome and my next destination is Pisa. Reiseziel (das) length !leNT? of stay Length of stay : 3 weeks Aufenthaltsdauer (die) to be going to do sth. I ’m going to be a teacher when I grow up. etw. vorhaben zu tun, etw. tun werden 5 stuff !st0f? What kind of stuff is there in your bag? Sachen (die) to cook pasta !*pA"stE? I’m not going to cook pasta every day. Nudeln kochen lake !leIk? Neusiedlersee is a large lake near Vienna. See (der) Hooray – holiday! 6 finished !*fInISt? Are you finished with homework for today? zu Ende, fertig screen !skri"n? Too much screen time is bad for your eyes. Bildschirm (der) on the green !gri"n? They like to play games on the green . auf der Wiese glad !glxd? I’m so glad to see my younger brother again. froh, vergnügt to the max !mxks? School is so hard. I’m stressed to the max . bis zum Äußersten berserk !bE*z3"k? When I go berserk , I throw books around. wild grown-up !*grEUn0p? Grown-ups never have any fun. Erwachsener (der), Erwachsene (die) to earn !3"n? I want to earn some extra money. verdienen sentence generator !*dZenEreItE? A sentence generator helps you to make sentences. Satzbaukasten (der) penfriend !*penfrend? Toby is my new English penfriend . Brieffreund (der), Brieffreundin (die) abroad !E*brC"d? I can’t see my friend often, he lives abroad . im Ausland hammock !*hxmEk? I love to relax in a hammock in our garden. Hängematte (die) to mow !mEU? the lawn !lC"n? Look at the grass! We should mow the lawn . Rasen mähen 7 to go on holiday !*hOlIdeI? They can’t go on holiday this year. auf Urlaub fahren brochure !*brEUSE? Do you like to look at holiday brochures ? Prospekt (der) city break !*sIti breIk? How about a city break in Paris or Prague? Städtereise (die) theme park !*Ti"m pA"k? We went to an Astrid Lindgren theme park . Themenpark (der) camping !*kxmpIN? I don’t like camping . I want a proper bed. Zelten (das) Fact detectives Become a reading expert 1 boring !*bC"rIN? I find computer games boring . langweilig complicated !*kOmplIkeItId? His new mobile is quite complicated . kompliziert 2 history !*hIstri? Reading helps me learn about history . Geschichte (die) in large print !prInt? Headlines are always in large print . groß gedruckt Activities (unit 7) 1 bored !bC"d? I was so bored that I went to sleep. gelangweilt to direct !daI*rekt? ( a play ) I want to direct our play. Regie führen ( bei einem Stück ) Unit 16 178 Vocabulary one hundred and seventy-eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verl gs öbv