Prime Time 1, Coursebook

Animals at the zoo 8 grin !grIn? The snake moves around with a hungry grin . Grinsen (das) branch !brA"ntS? Monkeys like to swing on branches . Ast (der) lazy !*leIzi? Come on, let’s go for a run. Don’t be so lazy . faul 10 to believe !bI*li"v? I can’t believe you said that to your mum. glauben myself !maI*self? I want to write it myself . selber unfortunately !0n*fC"tSnEtli? Unfortunately , it started to rain. unglücklicherweise cockatoo !kOkE*tu"? I’d like to have a cockatoo , they’re beautiful. Kakadu (der) trip !trIp? We took a trip to Carnuntum with my class. Reise (die), Fahrt (die) in the wild !waIld? It’s cool to watch animals in the wild . in freier Wildbahn dull !d0l? To me hippos look dull . langweilig, geistlos mud !m0d? You’ve got to clean the mud off your shoes. Schlamm (der) Show what you can do! 11 needs !ni"dz? I always think of my dog’s needs . Bedürfnisse (die) Going on holiday 1 means of transport !*trxnspC"t? (sg./pl.) An airplane is a fast means of transport . Verkehrsmittel (das, die) airplane !*eEpleIn? / plane A jumbo jet is a really big airplane . Flugzeug (das) coach !kEUtS? We always take the coach to Poland. Überlandbus (der), Reisebus (der) motorbike !*mEUtebaIk? My big brother has got a motorbike . Motorrad (das) ship !SIp? We took the ship from Vienna to Bratislava. Schiff (das) train !treIn? The train was on time, but we weren’t. Zug (der) tram / tramway !*trxmweI? In Graz you can get around by tram or bus. Straßenbahn (die) underground !*0ndEgraUnd? In Tokio we travelled by underground . U-Bahn (die) Holiday habits 2 habit !*hxbIt? It’s a bad habit if you don’t say “hello”. Gewohnheit (die) quickly !*kwIkli? We haven’t got much time so do it quickly . rasch type !taIp? There are different types of holidays. Art (die) city trip On city trips you often visit museums. Städtereise (die) to go sightseeing !*saItsiIN? Mum always wants to go sightseeing . Sehenswürdigkeiten besichtigen museum !mju"*ziEm? There are lots of museums in Vienna. Museum (das) to take pictures – took pictures Can I take a picture of you and the castle? Fotos machen – machte Fotos interesting !*IntrEstIN? I just don’t find old buildings interesting . interessant sight !saIt? There are lots of sights to visit in this city. Sehenswürdigkeit (die) the sea !si"? We usually spend our holidays near the sea . das Meer to fly to – flew !flu"? to Will you fly to Paris or go by train? hinfliegen – flog hin to the mountains !*maUntInz? We took a trip to the mountains in Italy. in die Berge to like sth. best What kind of ice cream do you like best ? etw. am liebsten mögen whatever !wOt*evE? He’ll eat whatever you put on his plate. was auch immer stressful !*stresfUl? Working as a doctor can be very stressful . anstrengend, stressig Unit 15 177 one hundred and seventy-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv