Prime Time 1, Coursebook

to teach tricks to – taught !tC"t? tricks to You can teach tricks to your dog. Kunststücke beibringen – brachte Kunststücke bei tortoise !*tC"tEs? Louisa’s pet is a tortoise . Landschildkröte (die) shell !Sel? A tortoise hasn’t got fur. It’s got a shell . Panzer (der) fur !f3"? My cat Felix has got lovely soft fur . Fell (das), Pelz (der) to give sb. a bath I give Sherman a bath every day. jmdn. baden 4 guideline !*gaIdlaIn? The guidelines tell you what to do. Richtlinie (die), Vorgabe (die) to walk a dog Can you walk the dog today, please? mit einem Hund spazieren gehen to change sth. Change the water every two weeks. etw. (aus)wechseln At the animal shelter 6 animal shelter !*SeltE? I saw many dogs at the animal shelter . Tierheim (das) to drive !draIv? – drove !drEUv? The Jordans drove to an animal shelter. fahren – fuhr guinea pig !*gInipIg? Guinea pigs are sweet little animals. Meerschweinchen (das) budgie !*b0dZi? Budgies are quite small birds. Wellensittich (der) to fetch !fetS? sth. Dogs can fetch things. etw. herbeiholen dirty !*d3"ti? Wash your dirty hands, Billy. schmutzig to hop !hOp? – hopped Their rabbit hopped round the garden. hopsen – hopste, hoppeln – hoppelte to wiggle !*wIgl? sth. Rabbits can wiggle their ears. mit etw. wackeln to dig !dIg? holes – dug !d0g? holes Rabbits dig holes in the garden. Löcher graben – grub Löcher to climb !klaIm? sth. Snakes can climb trees. auf etw. hinaufklettern to slide !slaId? – slid !slId? Look, the snake is sliding down the tree. rutschen – rutschte to scare !skeE? sb. I don’t like spiders, they scare me. jmdn. erschrecken to be serious !*sIErIEs? You like doing homework? Are you serious ? es ernst meinen dangerous !*deIndZrEs? Climbing a mountain can be dangerous . gefährlich to swallow !*swOlEU? Swallow this medicine; it will help you. schlucken alive !E*laIv? Is this a toy snake or is it alive ? lebendig to stand !stxnd? – stood !stUd? The dog stood next to him. stehen – stand to pee !pi"? on a leg The dog peed on Mr Webber’s leg . ans Bein pinkeln to decide !dI*saId? Decide if her answer is right or wrong. entscheiden 7 to tell !tel? – told !tEUld? He told me that he was happy. erzählen – erzählte owner !*EUnE? Who is Fluffy’s owner ? Besitzer (der), Besitzerin (die) ( two years ) …ago !E*gEU? They found me two years ago . vor … (zwei Jahren) to find !faInd? – found !faUnd? They found me at an animal shelter. finden – fand to sound !saUnd? great A holiday in Australia, that sounds great . klingt toll to brush !br0S? sth. He always brushes my coat. etw. bürsten coat !kEUt? My dog has got a coat of long black hair. hier : Fell (das) the rest of the day What can we do for the rest of the day ? der restliche Tag midday !mId*deI? Around midday I eat a sandwich. Mittag (der) dog biscuit !*bIskEt? Fluffy loves dog biscuits . Hundekuchen (der) to travel !*trxvl? – travelled I love to travel to new countries. reisen – reiste 176 Vocabulary one hundred and seventy-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv