Prime Time 1, Coursebook

to be surprised !sE*praIzd? She was completely surprised . überrascht sein microphone !*maIkrEfEUn? Please use a microphone. We can’t hear you. Mikrophon (das) to join !dZCIn? sb. Come, join me on stage. sich jmdm. anschließen on stage She showed a magic trick on stage . auf der Bühne smile !smaIl? He has such a lovely smile . Lächeln (das) A reporter at the party ( newspaper ) article !*A"tIkl? My mum writes newspaper articles . Zeitungsartikel (der) blog !blOg? In my blog I write about pop stars. Blog (der) 4 to call sb. on the phone If you need help, call me on the phone . jmdn. anrufen can !kxn? – could !kUd? Mia was ill and could not come to the party. können – konnte A very special birthday party 7 to feel !fi"l? – felt !felt? It was the best party ever. I felt wonderful. (sich) fühlen – fühlte (sich) to wish !wIS? sb. sth. We wish you a merry Christmas. jmdm. etw. wünschen finalist !*faInElIst? Ruth was last year’s finalist at the quiz. Finalist (der), Finalistin (die) to give !gIv? – gave !geIv? He gave me some good advice. geben – gab concert !*kOnsEt? I’ve got tickets for the pop concert in May. Konzert (das) to be great at … Rosa is great at maths. sehr gut sein bei … to keep !ki"p? secrets – kept !kept? secrets I’m no good at keeping secrets . Geheimnisse für sich behalten – behielt Geheimnisse für sich 9 digital !*dIdZItl? toys He’s got hundreds of digital toys . elektronisches Spielzeug electric guitar !gI*tA"? I would like to have an electric guitar . E-Gitarre (die) to shock !SOk? Is it easy to shock your parents? schockieren Show what you can do! 11 stressed !strest? I’m always stressed before a maths test. gestresst Animals 1 puppy !*p0pi? A puppy is a baby dog. Welpe (der) parrot !*pxrEt? Parrots can learn to talk. Papagei (der) snake !sneIk? A snake is long and thin. Schlange (die) rabbit !*rxbIt? I have got a rabbit and it’s brown. Kaninchen (das) ferret !*ferIt? She has got a black ferret . Frettchen (das) Taking care of pets 2 to take care of !teIk *keEr Ev? – took !tUk? care of I know how to take care of my pet. sich kümmern um – kümmerte sich um wheel !wi"l? My pet has got a wheel in its cage. hier: Laufrad (das) to exercise !*eksEsaIz? She exercises every day to keep fit. Bewegung machen cage !keIdZ? My hamster Pepsi lives in a cage . Käfig (der) rock !rOk? There are rocks in an aquarium. Stein (der), Felsen (der) plant !plA"nt? I want some water plants for my fish tank. Pflanze (die) seed !si"d? A parrot should eat seeds , not sweets. Samen (die) 3 vet !vet? When my pet is ill, I take him to the vet . Tierarzt (der), Tierärztin (die) to feed !fi"d? – fed !fed? He feeds his tortoise with lettuce. füttern – fütterte Unit 14 175 one hundred and seventy-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv