Prime Time 1, Coursebook

magic potion !*pEUSn? This magic potion will turn you into a ghost. Zaubertrank (der) to cure !kjUE? We can cure a lot of illnesses these days. heilen (Krankheiten) to hold up – held up sth. Look! He ’s holding up a big poster. etw. hochhalten – hielt etw. hoch sigh !saI? She picked up her bag again with a big sigh . Seufzer (der) you must !m0st? You must go to bed before midnight. du musst excited !Ik*saItId? He’s excited because it’s his birthday today. aufgeregt Scene 4: A cure for the King’s hiccups 8 to plant !plA"nt? In spring we plant new flowers. pflanzen difficulty !*dIfIkElti? He has difficulties with this task. Schwierigkeit (die) pause !pC"z? After a pause she went on with her talk. Innehalten (das) at the front !fr0nt? I can see him. He’s at the front of the stage. vorne stage !steIdZ? There’s a stage and a band playing on it. Bühne (die) final !*faInl? I do not want a dog – that’s my final word. letzte/-r/-s to free !fri"? sb. I hate birds in cages. I want to free them. jmdn. befreien Agreed? !E*gri"d? Let’s have a drink after school, agreed ? Einverstanden? sad !sxd? Don’t be sad . Think of something happy! traurig to taste of sth. This tea tastes of peaches. nach etw. schmecken horrified !*hOrIfaId? There’s a huge spider. I’m horrified . entsetzt to be part of The interview is part of the show. dazu gehören well done !d0n? Not one mistake. Well done ! gut gemacht Birthdays 1 for your birthday !*b3"TdeI? What did you get for your birthday ? zum Geburtstag backpack !*bxkpxk? I use a backpack instead of a schoolbag. Rucksack (der) 2 make-up set She got her first make-up set last week. Schminkzeug (das) microscope !*maIkrEskEUp? Look at a drop of water with a microscope . Mikroskop (das) perfume !*p3"fju"m? Your perfume smells wonderful. Parfum (das) in-line skates !skeIts? I want to try my new in-line skates . Inlineskates (die) Story: Birthday surprise 3 to ask !A"sk? – asked The reporter asked her many questions. fragen – fragte to check !tSek? – checked Dennis checked the spelling of all the words before he closed his exercise book. überprüfen – überprüfte to say !seI? – said !sed? We said goodbye to everybody. sagen – sagte to see !si"? – saw !sC"? Ted saw a grizzly when he was in the USA. sehen – sah to buy !baI? – bought !bC"t? I bought this dress yesterday. kaufen – kaufte band !bxnd? The band played their hits at the party. Musikgruppe (die) winner !*wInE? Now who is the lucky winner ? Gewinner (der), Gewinnerin (die) to post !pEUst? sth. She posted all the photos of her party. etw. verschicken invitation !InvI*teISn? I’ve got an invitation to the party too. Einladung (die) neighbourhood !*neIbEhUd? There’s a lot of cats in our neighbourhood . Nachbarschaft (die) to decorate !*dekEreIt? I decorated her cake with little stars. schmücken to arrive !E*raIv? All the guests arrived on time. ankommen Unit 13 174 Vocabulary one hundred and seventy-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv