Prime Time 1, Coursebook

Scene 1: In Grumpland 2 near !nIE? It’s quite near . I can get there in a minute. nahe, in der Nähe von this way The ice cream shop is this way . hier entlang strange !streIndZ? There is a strange person outside. fremd, ungewöhnlich to collect !kE*lekt? He collects bottle tops. He’s got many. sammeln fruit tree !*fru"t tri"? There are many fruit trees in our garden. Obstbaum (der) castle !*kA"sl? Do you like to visit castles ? Burg (die) weird !wIEd? His ideas can be weird sometimes. seltsam in horror !*hOrE? A monster! I jumped in horror . vor Schreck, erschrocken these !Di"s? These grapes taste good too. diese (pl.) to taste !teIst? good/nice Does the apple taste good ? gut schmecken cabbage !*kxbIdZ? It must be boring to eat only cabbage . Kohl (der) turnip !*t3"nIp? In Scotland people eat lots of turnips . Kohlrübe (die) to panic !*pxnIk? – panicked Don’t panic . Everything is okay. panisch werden – wurde panisch to throw !TrEU? – threw !Tru"? How far can you throw the ball? werfen – warf to steal !sti"l? – stole !stEUl? Sorry, sir, Tom wants to steal my pen. stehlen – stahl to catch !kxtS? – caught !kC"t? Can you catch the ball if I throw it? (ein)fangen – fing (ein) to get back – got back We have to get back before it’s dark. zurück kommen – kam zurück 3 talking !*tC"kiN? trees “There are no talking trees ,” Lucy says. sprechende Bäume Scene 2: In the castle 4 as usual !*ju"sUEl? And Tom is late for school, as usual . wie immer to hiccup !*hIk0p? When I drink something fizzy, I hiccup . Schluckauf haben to jump !dZ0mp? Argh! The children all jump . springen, hier : zusammenzucken to enjoy !In*dZCI? sth. He enjoys long walks with his dog. etw. genießen, an etw. Freude haben anyone !*enIw0n? Does anyone know this word? irgendjemand to put a finger across your throat !TrEUt? He puts a finger across his throat to show he wants to cut off Lucy’s head. sich mit dem Finger über die Kehle fahren air !eE? People need clean air and water to live. Luft (die) to die !daI? If there’s no rain, plants will die . sterben to lie down – lay !leI? down In the evening I lie down in my bed. sich niederlegen – legte sich nieder over here Billy, stand over here , right next to me. hier drüben sth. has passed !pA"st? My hiccups have passed . etw. ist vorbei villagers !*vIlIdZEz? People living in a village are villagers . Dorfbewohner (die) just !dZ0st? There were just two people in the room. nur delicious !dI*lISEs? I can make delicious smoothies. köstlich Scene 3: In prison 6 stay !steI? Our stay there was not very long. Aufenthalt (der) to lock !lOk? sth. Where is the key? I want to lock the door. etw. zusperren to exit !*eksIt? “The guards exit .” means they go away. hier: die Bühne verlassen meeting !*mi"tIN? There is a parents’ meeting next week. Treffen (das) no signal !*sIgnEl? I can’t send my message. There’s no signal . hier: kein Empfang to frighten !*fraItn? sb. Don’t frighten your sister with scary stories. jmdn. erschrecken 173 one hundred and seventy-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verla s öbv