Prime Time 1, Coursebook

snowman !*snEUmxn? (pl. snowmen ) Last winter we made a huge snowman . Schneemann (der) to go – went My dad went to school in Italy. gehen – ging rink !rINk? What’s he doing? – He’s skating at the rink . Eislaufplatz (der) nearby !nIE*baI? Nearby is the opposite of far away. nahegelegen hill !hIl? Hills are very low mountains. Hügel (der) blossom !*blOsm? Trees and bushes have blossoms in spring. Blüte (die) to go cycling !*saIklIN? Let’s go cycling . I’d like to try my new bike. radfahren gehen by the way By the way, how old is your cat now? übrigens leap year !*li"p jIE? In a leap year February has 29 days. Schaltjahr (das) this year This year my birthday is on a Sunday. heuer what else !els? What else did you get for Christmas? was noch, was sonst 10 daffodil !*dxfEdIl? Daffodils are typical springtime flowers. Narzisse (die), Märzenbecher (der) to grow !grEU? In my garden all vegetables grow well. wachsen dry !draI? Dry is the opposite of wet. trocken high !haI? The wall is really high . I can’t look over it. hoch temperature !*temprEtSE? Today’s temperatures will stay below zero. Temperatur (die) low !lEU? It’s cold when temperatures are low . niedrig clothes !klEUDz? You should put on warm clothes . Kleidung (die), Gewand (das) to blow !blEU? Blow out the candles on your birthday cake! blasen Show what you can do! 11 throughout !Tru*aUt? There was heavy rain throughout the day. durchgehend 12 beach !bi"tS? Let’s go to the beach and have a swim. Strand (der) sunglasses !*s0nglA"sIz? When it’s sunny I need my sunglasses . Sonnenbrille (die) Adventure in Grumpland – a play 1 guard !gA"d? There is a guard in front of the bank. Wächter (der) witch !wItS?, wizard !*wIzEd? There are no witches or wizards in real life, only in stories like Harry Potter . Hexe (die), Zauberer (der) main !meIn? Use the main door, not the back door. Haupt- servant !*s3"vEnt? He has five servants to work for him. Diener (der), Dienerin (die) hiccups !*hIk0ps? Do you sometimes get hiccups ? Schluckauf (der) prison !*prIsn? There is a prison under the castle. Gefängnis (das) to be allowed !E*laUd? to do sth. Are you allowed to go out in the evening? etw. tun dürfen to help !help? Please help me. I can’t open the box. helfen to prepare !prI*peE? sth. I can help you prepare snacks for dinner. etw. vorbereiten kitchen boy A kitchen boy does simple jobs. Küchenjunge (der) to protect !prE*tekt? sb. Warm clothes protect you from the cold. jmdn. (be)schützen to put – put !put? I put the book in my bag yesterday. geben – gab, legen – legte to put sb. in prison The king is angry and puts him in prison . jmdn. ins Gefängnis sperren ugly !*0gli? Ugly things are not nice to look at. hässlich magic powers !*paUEz? Harry learns to use his magic powers . magische Kräfte Unit 12 172 Vocabulary one hundred and seventy-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv