Prime Time 1, Coursebook

frosty !*frOsti? It’s frosty , with temperatures below 0°C. frostig, eisig warm !wC"m? Put on a warm sweater. It’s cold outside. warm the freezing !*fri"zIN? point The freezing point of water is at 0°C. Gefrierpunkt (der) the boiling !*bCIlIN? point The boiling point of water is at 100°C. Siedepunkt (der) A weather forecast 5 weather forecast !*fC"kA"st? A weather forecast predicts the weather. Wettervorhersage (die) twice !twaIs? Brush your teeth twice a day. zweimal 6 weather chart !tSA"t? The weather chart shows rain for tonight. Wetterkarte (die) there will be … There will be rain tomorrow. es wird … geben heavy !*hevi? rain I hate being outdoors in heavy rain . starker Regen sunny spells !spelz? We’ll have some sunny spells today. sonnige Abschnitte to compare !kEm*peE? sth. Compare answers with your partner. etw. vergleichen overcast !*EUvEkA"st? There’s no sun today. The sky is overcast . bedeckt freezing !*fri"zIN? I’ll put on my winter boots. It’s freezing. eiskalt snowstorm !*snEUstC"m? People often get lost in a snowstorm . Schneesturm (der) hurricane !*h0rIkeIn? Hurricanes are very strong winds. Orkan (der), Wirbelsturm (der) thundery !*T0ndri? showers There will be thundery showers today. gewittrige Schauer heavy showers !*SaUEz? Heavy showers are normal in the monsoon. heftige Regenschauer 7 to go skiing !*ski"IN? My family always go skiing in winter. schifahren gehen to go snowboarding !*snEUbC"dIN? My brother goes snowboarding in winter. snowboarden gehen to go skating !*skeItIN? Kids can go skating at the ice rink for free. hier: eislaufen; inlineskaten to go windsurfing !*wInds3"fIN? Rosie goes windsurfing on the lake. windsurfen gehen to go swimming !*swImIN? Let’s go swimming today. It’s very hot. schwimmen gehen to go rock climbing !*klaImIN? Ira goes rock climbing at the sports centre. klettern gehen to go hiking !*haIkIN? My dad likes to go hiking in the woods. wandern gehen to go to the cinema !*sInEmE? I want to go to the cinema this afternoon. ins Kino gehen to the sports ground Let’ go to the sports ground if it’s sunny. auf den Sportplatz to fly a kite !kaIt? When it’s windy, Tilda always flies her kite . Drachen steigen lassen Weather past and present 9 past and present !*preznt? I often compare past and present times. vergangen und gegenwärtig was !wEz?, were !wE? It was cold. There were snowstorms. war, waren sky !skaI? There are no clouds in the sky . Himmel (der) forsythia !fC"*saITiE? The forsythia is a bush with yellow flowers. Forsythien (die) to bloom !blu"m? Look, the forsythia is blooming ! blühen to shake !SeIk? sth. Shake the juice bottle before you drink. etw. schütteln to lean !li"n? back She leans back in her chair to take a nap. sich zurück lehnen nap !nxp? Many people take a nap after lunch. Nickerchen (das) pond !pOnd? Last winter our village pond was frozen. Teich (der) frozen !*frEUzn? Ice is frozen water. (zu)gefroren to make – made Granny made this dress for me. machen – machte 171 one hundred and seventy-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eige tum des Verlags öbv