Prime Time 1, Coursebook

to crack !krxk? eggs Crack four eggs into a mixing bowl. Eier aufschlagen to boil !bCIl? Wait until the water boils properly. kochen to preheat the oven !*0vn? Preheat your oven to 180°C. das Backrohr vorheizen baking powder !*beIkIN paUdE? Baking powder makes your cake rise. Backpulver (das) cocoa !*kEUkEU? powder Mix the cocoa powder with a little sugar. Kakaopulver (das) teaspoon !*ti"spu"n? Add one teaspoon of baking powder. Teelöffel (der) chocolate !*tSOklEt? chips Use dark chocolate chips for this recipe. Schokostückchen (die) ( baking ) tray !treI? Put the biscuits on a baking tray . Backblech (das) chef’s !Sefs? hat A chef’s hat keeps your hair out of the way. Kochmütze (die) Show what you can do! 15 dish !dIS? of the day I always eat the dish of the day . Tagesgericht (das) Stormy weather Months and seasons 1 month !m0nT? A year has twelve months . Monat (der) season !*si"zn? Where we live a year has four seasons . Jahreszeit (die) weather !*weDE? What’s the weather like today? – It’s sunny. Wetter (das) ordinal number First, second, third, … are ordinal numbers . Ordnungszahl (die) summer !*s0mE? Summer is the season before autumn. Sommer (der) spring !sprIN? Spring comes after winter. Frühling (der) winter !*wIntE? In winter it is usually cold and frosty. Winter (der) autumn !*C"tEm? In autumn the trees turn yellow and red. Herbst (der) Talking about the weather 2 nursery rhyme !*n3"sri raIm? Little children like singing nursery rhymes . Kinderreim (der) thunder !*T0ndE? Thunder comes after lightning. Donner (der) raindrop !*reIndrOp? Raindrops are falling on my head. Regentropfen (der) wet !wet? Wet is the opposite of dry. Water is wet . nass thunderstorm !*T0ndEstC"m? In a thunderstorm don’t stand under a tree. Gewitter (das) stormy !*stC"mi? There’s stormy weather coming up. stürmisch, gewittrig rainy !*reIni? I don’t like taking walks when it’s rainy . regnerisch to rain !reIn? Look, it’s raining again. Let’s stay indoors. regnen windy !*wIndi? It’s windy today. Let’s go sailing. windig 3 cloud !klaUd? It’s a wonderful day. There are no clouds . Wolke (die) puddle !*p0dl? After the rain there are puddles on the road. Pfütze (die) rainbow !*reInbEU? A rainbow has got many colours. Regenbogen (der) raincoat !*reINkEUt? It’s raining. Put on your raincoat . Regenmantel (der) wellingtons !*welINtEnz? / wellies Wellingtons keep your feet dry in the rain. Gummistiefel (die) 4 What’s it like? What’s the weather like today? Wie ist es? to snow !snEU? Look, it’s snowing . Let’s get out our skis. schneien foggy !*fOgi? It’s so foggy I can’t see anything. nebelig cloudy !*klaUdi? Today it’s cloudy but warm. wolkig, bewölkt chilly !*tSIli? Please close the window, it’s chilly in here. kalt (unangenehm) Unit 11 170 Vocabulary one hundred and seventy Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv