Prime Time 1, Coursebook

chicken wing !wIN? Would you like some chicken wings ? Chickenwing (der) missing !*mIsIN? Find the missing word. fehlend Help yourself. Please help yourself to drinks. Bedien dich. 9 chant !tSA"nt? Rap along with the chant . Sprechgesang (der) thirsty !*T3"sti? Can I have some water, please? I’m thirsty . durstig sticky !*stIki? Honey is very sticky . klebrig spongy !*sp0nZI? Spongy means something is like a sponge. schwammig fat !fxt? Fat is the opposite of thin. dick, fett to be in a coma !*kEUmE? He can’t hear or see me. He ’s in a coma . im Koma liegen 10 screenplay !*skri"npleI? Let’s write a funny screenplay . Drehbuch (das) scene !si"n? Please act out the scene with the fat rat. Szene (die) Cooking 11 mystery !*mIstri? Do you read mystery stories? Geheimnis (das), Rätsel (das) an exotic !ig*zOtIk? smoothie There’s mango in this exotic smoothie . ein exotischer Smoothie sunrise !*s0nraIz? Do you get up before sunrise in winter? Sonnenaufgang (der) sunset !*s0nset? In the evening you can watch the sunset . Sonnenuntergang (der) frog !frOg? Can you jump like a frog ? Frosch (der) jungle !*dZ0Ngl? Tarzan lives in the jungle . Dschungel (der) moon !mu"n? Look! There’s a full moon tonight. Mond (der) sunny !s0ni? When the sun is shining, it’s sunny . sonnig 13 recipe !*resIpi? Have you got the recipe for this cake? Kochrezept (das) pancake !*pxnkeIk? I love pancakes with ice cream. Palatschinke (die) to season sth. You can season the soup with some salt. etw. würzen hand blender !*blendE? I use a hand blender to make smoothies. Pürierstab (der) to heat !hi"t? sth. Heat the milk to make hot chocolate. etw. erhitzen to add !xd? sth. Add some more water if you like. etw. hinzufügen litre !li"tE? Drink at least two litres of water a day. Liter (der) boiling !*bCIlIN? Use boiling water to make tea. kochend to stir !st3"? Stir it so it doesn’t burn. umrühren to mix !mIks? Mix flour and eggs together. (ver)mischen flour !flaUE? Can you bake a cake without flour ? Mehl (das) to simmer !*sImE? If the soup simmers , it doesn’t boil over. köcheln to flip !flIp? over It can be hard to flip over the pancake. wenden lightly golden !*geUldn? The biscuits should be lightly golden . leicht gebräunt to blend !blend? Blend different fruits to make a smoothie. pürieren to beat !bi"t? in Beat in the eggs. Add some milk. unterrühren to pour !pC"? Let me pour the juice in your glass. (ein/aus)gießen dough !dEU? I love eating cookie dough . Teig (der) (frying) pan !pxn? Use a frying pan for pancakes, not a pot. Bratpfanne (die) to fry !fraI? Can you fry eggs so they’re just right? braten, frittieren 14 ingredients !In*gri"diEnts? Have we got all the ingredients at home? Zutaten (die) to peel !pi"l? sth. You have to peel bananas to eat them. etw. schälen to cut !k0t? sth. Cut the pumpkin into small pieces. etw. schneiden to slice !slaIs? sth. Slice the carrots and the onions. etw. in Scheiben schneiden 169 one hundred and sixty-nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv