Prime Time 1, Coursebook

Show what you can do! 9 mixed !mIkst? up Don’t get the names mixed up . durcheinander to be asleep !E*sli"p? Nothing wakes him up when he ’s asleep . schlafen 10 to take a video Can I take a video of your dog? einen Film aufnehmen mirror !*mIrE? I can see you in the mirror . Spiegel (der) Food 1 pineapple !*paInxpl? You can buy pineapple fresh or in tins. Ananas (die) grapes !greIps? I like grape juice more than grapes . Weintrauben (die) red pepper !*pepE? There are red , yellow and green peppers . roter Paprika (der) biscuit !*bIskIt? Have we got any chocolate biscuits ? Keks (das) nuts !n0ts? What kinds of nuts do you like? Nüsse (die) honey !*h0ni? Toast and honey is very nice to eat. Honig (der) egg !eg? We need five eggs for this cake. Ei (das) onion !*0njEn? Cook the onions until they are soft. Zwiebel (die) hamburger !*hxmb3"gE? She doesn’t like onion in her hamburger . Hamburger (der) fish finger !*fIS fINgE? Let’s have fish fingers for dinner. Fischstäbchen (die) chicken nuggets !*tSIkIn n0gIts? Lots of children like chicken nuggets . frittierte Hähnchenstücke chips !tSIps? Can I have some ketchup with the chips ? dick geschnittene Pommes frites pumpkin !p0mpkIn? There are so many kinds of pumpkins . Kürbis (der) ham !hxm? Ham sandwiches are my favourite. Schinken (der) bacon !beIkn? No bacon , please. I don’t eat meat. Speck (der) cucumber !*kju"k0mbE? I love cucumber sandwiches. Gurke (die) What I eat every day 3 fried !fraId? egg Can I have two fried eggs and some toast? Spiegelei (das) baked beans !beIkt *bi"nz? Most people buy baked beans in tins. Baked Beans (die) jam !dZxm? I like bread with butter and jam . Marmelade (die) cooked breakfast !kUkt *brekfEst? We always have a cooked breakfast . ein warmes Frühstück mushroom !*m0Sru"m? They go to the woods to pick mushrooms . Speisepilz (der) crunchy !*kr0ntSi? I like cornflakes – they’re so crunchy . knusprig 4 to have sth. for breakfast/ lunch/… Would you like to have soup for lunch ? etw. zum Frühstück / zu Mittag essen 5 bread roll !*bred rEUl? Do eat bread rolls for breakfast or muesli. Brötchen (das) pear !peE? We have a pear tree in our garden. Birne (die) 6 to invite !In*vaIt? sb. I’d like to invite you for a sleepover. jmdn. einladen normally !*nC"mEli? Normally we have dinner around seven. normalerweise It’s party time 7 cheesecake !*tSi"zkeIk? Cheesecake is really easy to make. Topfentorte (die) fizzy !*fIzi? Can I have some fizzy water, please? prickelnd, kohlensäurehaltig iced tea !aIst *ti"? There’s usually a lot of sugar in iced tea . Eistee (der) 8 squash !skwOS? Would you like some orange squash ? Dicksaft (der) Unit 10 168 Vocabulary one hundred and sixty-eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv