Prime Time 1, Coursebook

to be afraid !E*freId? of Carol is not afraid of spiders. Angst haben vor bite !baIt? Take a bite from my sandwich. Biss (der), Bissen (der) louse !laUs? (pl. lice ) There were lice all over his head. Laus (die) to spend !spend? the day I don’t want to spend the day with her. den Tag verbringen at the top Sandra’s room is right at the top . ganz oben (auf) At home with the Spencer family 5 to show sb. round He always shows people round his house. jmdn. herumführen guest !gest? It’s fun to have guests in the house. Gast (der) flat !flxt? Our flat is on the third floor. Wohnung (die) 6 message !*mesIdZ? Thanks for your message . Nachricht (die) my own room I’ve got my own room here. It’s great. mein eigenes Zimmer cosy !*kEUzi? Her armchair is really cosy . gemütlich huge !hju"dZ? There is a huge window in the living room. riesig 7 dream !dri"m? Have sweet dreams . Good night. Traum (der) friendly !*frendli? They are really friendly people. freundlich tiny !*taIni? My room was really tiny but very nice. winzig modern !*mOdn? Our school is a modern building. modern Story time 8 nosy !*nEUzi? Don’t be nosy , people don’t like it. neugierig horrible !*hOrIbl? What a horrible story. I hate it. furchtbar It’s not your business. !*bIznIs? Why do you care? It’s not your business. Es geht dich nichts an. She doesn’t care !keE? . It is bad for her, but she doesn’t care . Es ist ihr egal. nothing !*n0TIN? There’s nothing in the fridge. nichts I’m sure !SC"? I’m sure you can do it. ich bin mir sicher behind !bI*haInd? George sits behind me in the classroom. hinter back What are you doing behind my back ? Rücken (der) visit !*vIzIt? Her visit was really short. Besuch (der) to rush !r0S? Don’t rush , it’s not safe. sich übereilen to disturb !dI*st3"b? sb. Be quiet! You disturb the others. jmdn. stören wardrobe !*wC"drEUb? I have a huge wardrobe for all my clothes. Kleiderschrank (der) later !*leItE? Let’s play now and do our homework later . später around !E*raUnd? They look around the park. rundherum to try your best Work hard and try your best . sein Bestes versuchen to play a trick on sb. Kids often play tricks on their teachers. jmdm. einen Streich spielen downstairs !daUn*steEz? I go downstairs to have breakfast. hinunter, unten (im Haus) a cup of tea !k0p Ef *ti"? For breakfast you can have a cup of tea . eine Tasse Tee bird !b3"d? I often watch the birds outside. Vogel (der) to fly !flaI? Some birds cannot fly . fliegen to drop !drOp? sth. Careful, don’t drop the bag. etw. fallen lassen to hide !haId? from Penguins hide from the sun. sich verstecken vor She is gone !gOn? . You cannot talk to her, she is gone . Sie ist weg. corner !*kC"nE? Our cat always hides in corners . Ecke (die) 167 one hundred and sixty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv