Prime Time 1, Coursebook

At home 1 furniture !*f3"nItSE? I have new furniture in my room. Möbel (die), Einrichtung (die) dining !*daInIN? room In our flat we don’t have a dining room . Esszimmer (das) armchair !*A"mtSeE? Granny usually sits in her armchair . Lehnstuhl (der) carpet !*kA"pIt? My dog often sleeps on the carpet . Teppichboden (der) flower pot !*flaUE pOt? We have flower pots on our balcony. Blumentopf (der) hall !hC"l? Take off your shoes in the hall , please. Vorzimmer (das) kitchen !*kItSIn? I like to help Dad in the kitchen . Küche (die) living !*lIvIN? room In the living room there’s a big TV. Wohnzimmer (das) study !st0di? He is in his study all day, he works so hard. Arbeitszimmer (das) loo (coll.) / toilet !*tCIlIt? Please show me the way to the loo . Toilette (die) ceiling !*si"lIN? The ceiling in my room is white. Zimmerdecke (die) basement !*beIsmEnt? The washing machine is in the basement . Untergeschoß (das) cellar !*selE? (BE) He keeps his potatoes in the cellar . Keller (der) attic !*xtIk? They play with their toy trains in the attic . Dachboden (der) stairs !steEz? Go up the stairs and open the window. Treppe (die) steps !steps? There are three steps into the house. Stufen (die) roof !ru"f? Their house has got a red roof . Dach (das) front !fr0nt? garden I like the flowers in our front garden . Vorgarten (der) back garden !gA"dn? We often play football in our back garden . Garten (der) hinter dem Haus garage !*gxrIdZ? I can get the car out of the garage for you. Garage (die) shed !Sed? We keep our bikes in a shed in the garden. Schuppen (der) Doing things around the house 2 sink !sINk? Please put the dishes in the sink. Abwasch (die), Spülbecken (das) washing machine !mE*Si"n? Please turn on the washing machine . Waschmaschine (die) washbasin !*wOSbeIsn? The washbasin in the toilet is quite small. Waschbecken (das) bathtub !*bA"Tt0b? Our bathtub is big enough for two of us. Badewanne (die) microwave !*maIkrEUweIv? I put my soup in the microwave for lunch. Mikrowelle (die) cooker !*kUkE? Don’t use the cooker when you’re alone. Herd (der) fridge !frIdZ? Don’t forget to put the milk in the fridge . Kühlschrank (der) dishwasher !*dISwOSE? Our dishwasher runs for two hours. Geschirrspüler (der) freezer !*fri"zE? Our freezer is in the cellar. Gefrierschrank (der) 3 to bake !beIk? I can bake a banana cake. backen to do the washing-up After lunch I always do the washing-up . Geschirr abwaschen to take/have a bath !bA"T? I don’t take a bath every day. ein Bad nehmen to take off sth. Please take off your shoes. sich etw. ausziehen mail !meIl? No postcards in my mail today. Post (die) 4 lonely !*lEUnli? My grandpa is often very lonely. einsam, allein T. Rex !*ti"reks? A T. Rex is a dinosaur. Tyrannosaurus Rex (der) to knock !nOk? Knock on my door when you’re ready. klopfen meat !mi"t? I don’t eat meat , but I do eat fish. Fleisch (das) instead !In*sted? I have no kiwis, can I bring pears instead ? anstatt, stattdessen to attack !E*txk? Monsters do not attack other monsters. angreifen, attackieren Unit 9 166 Vocabulary one hundred and sixty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv