Prime Time 1, Coursebook

Look after your body 9 questionnaire !kwestSE*neE? Please fill in this questionnaire . Fragebogen (der) to look after Look after your body if you want to stay fit. sich kümmern um to brush !br0S? your teeth Do you always brush your teeth ? Zähne putzen to do sports !spC"ts? I like to do sports outdoors. Sport betreiben to go for walks We often go for walks on Sundays. spazieren gehen to discuss !dIs*k0s? Discuss the matter with your friends. diskutieren more often !mC"r *ofn? My granny wants to see me more often . öfter 10 healthy !*helTi? Carrots and apples are healthy food. gesund to lie !laI? Don’t lie in bed all day. liegen famous !*feImEs? She’s a famous singer in Europe. berühmt to practise !*prxktIs? hard To be good at judo you must practise hard . hart trainieren, viel üben on the team !ti"m? Joe wants to be on the team too. im Team almost !*C"lmEUst? My friend Sue and I are almost like sisters. fast genius !*dZi"niEs? A football genius plays football very well. Genie (das) properly !*prOpEli? You need to eat properly . richtig, ordentlich to stay up late He stays up late , often until midnight. lang aufbleiben to call !kC"l? Call your brother, it’s time for dinner. rufen terrible !*terEbl? The rain was terrible . We were all wet. schrecklich to get more sleep I need to get more sleep , I’m always tired. mehr schlafen daily !*deIli? Daily means every day. täglich fresh !freS? fruit It’ good to eat fresh fruit for breakfast. frisches Obst strong bones !bEUnz? Strong bones don’t break easily. starke Knochen to stick !stIk? I stick my favourite photos in an album. kleben the season !*si"zn? I can’t wait for the season to start again. die Spielsaison perfect chance !*tSA"ns? Now or never! This is the perfect chance . die beste Gelegenheit to score a goal !gEUl? If you score a goal , your team gets a point. ein Tor schießen to shoot !Su"t? He shoots the ball into the goal. schießen to miss !mIs? sth. If the ball doesn’t go in, you miss the goal. hier: etw. verfehlen one-nil !nIl? They win the match one-nil . eins zu null disappointed !dIsE*pCIntId? When I am disappointed , I am sad. enttäuscht upset !0p*set? The coach is upset when I miss the goal. bestürzt, verstört we lost !lOst? We lost because of me. wir (haben) verloren important !Im*pC"tnt? It’s important to be a team player. wichtig to need !ni"d? to learn I need to learn teamwork. erlernen müssen to eat !i"t? well A footballer should eat well , e.g. fruit. gut ( hier: gesund) essen broccoli !*brOkEli? Broccoli is not my favourite vegetable. Brokkoli (der) Show what you can do! 12 drawing !*drC:IN? This is a really good drawing of her house. Zeichnung (die) round !raUnd? He has a round face. rund 165 one hundred and sixty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv