Prime Time 1, Coursebook

too many There is one too many . zu viel, zu viele toothache !*tu"T eIk? My teeth hurt. I’ve got a toothache . Zahnschmerzen (die) mumps !m0mps? Mumps is a typical children’s illness. Mumps (der) the flu !flu"? When you have the flu , you may sneeze. Grippe (die) tummy ache !*t0mmi eIk? My stomach hurts. I have tummy ache . Bauchweh (das) itchy skin !*ItSi skIn? Don’t scratch when you have itchy skin . Hautjucken (das) sore knees !*sC" ni"z? When you fall down, you may get sore knees . wunde Knie, schmerzende Knie a sprained !*spreInd? ankle She can’t walk. She’s got a sprained ankle . ein verstauchter Knöchel 5 table !*teIbl? Complete the table . hier: Tabelle (die) to feel well I don’t feel well , I think I’m ill. sich gut fühlen, gesund sein to be/feel ill !Il? I can’t go to school today. I’ m ill . krank sein, sich krank fühlen to be/feel sick I feel sick . I think I should see the doctor. sich krank fühlen; Übelkeit spüren to be/feel cold !kEUld? Close the window, please. I’m cold . frieren I’m hot !hOt? /cold. Open the window, please. I’m hot . Mir ist heiß/kalt. sleepy !*sli"pi? I can’t keep my eyes open, I’m so sleepy . schläfrig tired !*taIEd? I want to go to bed, I’m so tired . müde stomach ache Have you still got stomach ache ? Magenschmerzen (die) 6 illness !*IlnEs? (pl. illnesses) Mumps is a typical children’s illness . Krankheit (die) a headache !*hedeIk? My head hurts. I have a headache . Kopfschmerzen (die) a (high) temperature !*temprEtSE? You’ve got a temperature . Stay at home. (hohes) Fieber a sore throat !TrEUt? Eating hurts when you have a sore throat . Halsschmerzen (die) a cold Put on warm socks or you’ll catch ( a ) cold . eine Erkältung a runny !*r0ni? nose In winter you may have a runny nose . eine rinnende Nase a bad cough !kOf? You’ve got a bad cough . Have some tea. ein starker Husten earache !*IEreIk? When your ears hurt, you have earache . Ohrenschmerzen (die) 7 ouch !aUtS? Ouch , that hurts! Au weh! Aua! a twitch !twItS? He has a twitch in his right eye. ein Zucken an itch !ItS? I feel an itch in my eyes. ein (starkes) Jucken to carry !*kxri? on You can carry on for a bit longer. weitermachen 8 to pass !pA"s? sth. on Pass this information on to your parents. etw. weitergeben some advice !Ed*vaIs? The doctor can give you some advice . ein Rat(schlag) to give advice He loves to give advice to people. einen Rat geben you should !SUd? You should take your temperature. du solltest you shouldn’t !Sudnt? You shouldn’t stay up late every day. du solltest nicht outdoors !aUt*dC"z? Go outdoors and get lots of fresh air. ins Freie, im Freien indoors !In*dC"z? When you’re sick, you should stay indoors . im Haus, in der Wohnung, drinnen to go to the dentist’s !*dentIsts? Your teeth hurt? Go to the dentist’s . zum Zahnarzt gehen the chemist’s !*kemIsts? You buy medicines at the chemist’s . Apotheke (die) to the doctor’s !*dOktEz? You look ill. Go to the doctor’s . zum Arzt to take (some) medicine !*medsIn? Take this medicine twice a day. ein Medikament nehmen to take sb.’s temperature If you feel hot, take your temperature . Fieber messen 164 Vocabulary one hundred and sixty-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv