Prime Time 1, Coursebook

something else That’s boring. Let’s do something else . etwas anderes drums !dr0mz? Toby is very good at playing the drums. Schlagzeug (das) all the time She laughs all the time . She can’t stop. die ganze Zeit, ständig You and your body 1 part of the body, body part !*bOdi pA"t? Which body parts do you know in English? Körperteil (der) head !hed? My monster has got a round head . Kopf (der) arm !A"m? We have two arms . Arm (der) toe !tEU? We have got ten toes on our feet. Zehe (die) hand !hxnd? You know the answer? Put up your hand . Hand (die) finger !*fINgE? We have got ten fingers on our hands. Finger (der) knee !ni"? The baby is sitting on Dad’s knees . Knie (das) ear !IE? My pet has got a white and a black ear . Ohr (das) tooth !tu"T? (pl. teeth) Johnny’s front tooth is missing. Zahn (der) foot !fUt? (pl. feet) My right foot hurts. Fuß (der) hair !heE? People’s hair can be long or short. (Kopf-)Haar (das) ankle !xNkl? I can’t run. My left ankle hurts. Knöchel (der) elbow !*elbEU? The elbow is in the middle of your arm. Ellenbogen (der) cheek !tSi"k? Our funny figure has got two red cheeks . Wange (die) neck !nek? Your head sits on top of your neck . Hals (der) stomach !*st0mEk? , tummy When I eat too much, my stomach hurts. Magen (der) face !feIs? Fred’s hot from running. His face is red. Gesicht (das) skin !skIn? Timmy has got very white skin . Haut (die) to point !pCInt? at Point at the tree in the picture. zeigen auf 2 to describe !dI*skraIb? Tell me about your new bike. Describe it. beschreiben monster !*mOnstE? Monsters are sometimes nice, too. Monster (das) alien !*eIliEn? An alien comes from outer space. außerirdisches Wesen short !SC"t? Rita is quite short . She is only 120 cm. klein (Körpergröße) ; kurz straight !streIt? She has long straight hair. gerade, glatt curly !*k3"li? I like curly hair best. lockig tall !tC"l? He is a tall boy. He is 155 cm tall . groß (Körpergröße) thin !TIn? He’s too thin . He should eat more. dünn At Dr McMumps’ surgery 3 surgery !*s3"dZri? Go to Dr Best. She’s in her surgery now. Ordination (die), Arztpraxis (die) What’s the matter? !*mxtE? What’s the matter with you? Was ist los? to hurt !h3"t? My right knee hurts . wehtun, schmerzen underlined !0ndE*laInd? Repeat the underlined words in the text. unterstrichen to scream !skri"m? It makes your ears hurt when he screams . schreien to lift !lIft? sth. Lift your legs one after the other. etw. (an)heben to keep fit !ki"p *fIt? He goes running every day to keep fit . fit bleiben soccer !*sOkE? (AE) In the UK you say football, not soccer . Fußball 4 Watch out ! !wOtS *aUt? Be careful. Watch out! Pass auf! Achtung! Unit 8 163 one hundred and sixty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv