Prime Time 1, Coursebook

to work !w3"k? How does it work ? funktionieren lesson !*lesn? Tomorrow’s my flute lesson . Unterrichtsstunde (die) The big performance 7 act !xkt? This is a great act ! Darbietung (die) magician !mE*dZISn? I’m a magician . Zauberkünstler/in (der, die) to make sb. disappear !dIsE*pIE? Can you make me disappear ? jmdn. verschwinden lassen tightrope walker I would like to be a tightrope walker . Seiltänzer (der), Seiltänzerin (die) to fall down He walks the rope without falling down . herunterfallen somersault !*s0mEsC"lt? I can’t do somersaults . Purzelbaum (der) to walk I always walk to school. gehen leg My leg hurts. Bein (das) 8 to happen !*hxpn? I want to know what happens next. passieren tent !tent? I like sleeping in a tent . Zelt (das) nervous !*n3"vEs? Are you nervous before exams? nervös tonight !tE*naIt? Let’s have a party tonight ! heute Abend to go wrong !rON? My tricks never go wrong . schief gehen to relax !rI*lxks? Sunday is cool – I will relax all day long. sich entspannen middle !*mIdl? She is standing in the middle of the tent. Mitte (die) Ladies and gentlemen !*dZentlmEn? Welcome, ladies and gentlemen! Meine Damen und Herren! to cheer !tSIE? Let’s cheer for her! jubeln to clap !klxp? They clap their hands. (in die Hände) klatschen ring !rIN? Amelie and Noah step into the ring . hier : Zirkusmanege (die), Arena (die) while !waIl? I can sing while you dance. während shoulder !*SEUldE? Dad carries her on his shoulders . Schulter (die) to be sb.’s turn !t3"n? It’s your turn now. an der Reihe sein to step inside !In*saId? Step inside the box, please. hineingehen, -steigen magic wand !wOnd? Is this Harry Potter’s magic wand ? Zauberstab (der) angry !*xNgri? Don’t be angry . böse, verärgert why !waI? Why do you always forget your books? warum eye !aI? Amelie has tears in her eyes . Auge (das) to be in tears !tIEz? He is really sad. He is in tears . in Tränen aufgelöst sein to run away !r0n E*weI? Stay, don’t run away . weglaufen after all !C"l? That was funny after all ! alles in allem maybe !*meIbi? Maybe you’re right. vielleicht to smile !smaIl? at sb. He always smiles at me and says “Hello”. jmdn. anlächeln to make sb. laugh She really makes me laugh . jmdn. zum Lachen bringen crowd !kraUd? The crowd is cheering and clapping. Menschenmenge (die) Show what you can do! 9 today !tE*deI? Is Ms Smith at the office today ? heute diary !*daIEri? Do you keep a diary ? Tagebuch (das) wimpy !*wImpi? My cat is a wimpy little animal. schwächlich to grow !grEU? up I want to be a pilot when I grow up . erwachsen werden 162 Vocabulary one hundred and sixty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv