Prime Time 1, Coursebook

to do a handstand !*hxndstxnd? Can you do a handstand ? einen Handstand machen to walk on a tightrope !*taItrEup? Can you walk on a tightrope ? seiltanzen to be good at sth. I ’m good at singing. etw. gut können, gut sein bei etw. Join the circus camp! 2 circus !*s3"kEs? I like the circus . Zirkus (der) to have a look at sth. Have a look at this picture! sich etw. anschauen artist !*A"tIst? Wow – you draw like an artist ! Künstler (der), Künstlerin (die) aged !eIdZd? 10 to 14 The kids are aged 10 to 14 . 10 bis 14 Jahre alt to dance !dA"ns? Let’s dance ! tanzen to come along !E*lON? Come along to my place! vorbeischauen to join !dZCIn? sth. Join the music club! bei etw. mitmachen to become !bI*k0m? sth. My sister wants to become a film star. (zu) etw. werden registration !redZI*streISn? Say your name at registration . Einschreibung (die) performance !pE*fC"mEns? When does the performance start? Vorführung (die) acrobat !*xkrEbxt? In the circus there are many acrobats . Akrobat (der), Akrobatin (die) That’s right! Great, that’s right! Das stimmt! Richtig! You’re right. Okay, you’re right and I’m wrong. Du hast recht. to carry !*kxri? sth. I can’t carry this bag alone. It’s too big. tragen sports bag This is my new sports bag . Sporttasche (die) 3 exciting !Ik*saItIN? I love this movie. It’s so exciting ! aufregend to do cartwheels !*kA"twi"lz? She can do cartwheels . Rad schlagen to walk on your hands We learn to walk on our hands . auf den Händen gehen to juggle !*dZ0gl? (with) Can you juggle with three balls? (mit …) jonglieren to ride a horse !hC"s? My sister rides a horse . ein Pferd reiten to swing !swIN? Monkeys like to swing on branches. schaukeln trapeze !trE*pi"z? I don’t like to swing on a trapeze . Trapez (das) At the circus camp 4 first !f3"st? Who was the first one here? erste/-r/-s coach !kEUtS? This is our coach . Trainer (der), Trainerin (die) form !fC"m? Please fill in the form . Formular (das) not …either !*aIDE? I can’t sing and I can’t dance either . auch nicht flute !flu"t? My brother can play the flute . Querflöte (die) pretty !*prIti? good (= quite good ) She is a pretty good dancer. ziemlich gut 5 very much !m0tS? I really like your present very much . sehr text message !*mesIdZ? I’ll send you a text message . SMS (die) to text sb. Text me when you are here. jmdm. eine SMS senden to practise !*prxktIs? I practise the flute every day. üben to hope !hEUp? I hope I’ll win the game. hoffen workshop !*w3"kSOp? Where is the workshop ? Kurs (der) to send !send? sth. Please send me a text with your address. etw. schicken to learn !l3"n? I would like to learn a new language. erlernen 161 one hundred and sixty-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv