Prime Time 1, Coursebook

4 once !w0ns? a (week/month/ year) I only see her once a week . einmal pro (Woche/Monat/Jahr) 5 it takes me one hour It takes me one hour to get to school. ich brauche eine Stunde dafür to finish !*fInIS? I want to finish the game before I go. zu Ende bringen solution !sE*lu"Sn? Find the solution at the end of the book. Lösung (die) Quiz games 6 to guess !ges? Can you guess my name? erraten; raten different !*dIfrEnt? Let’s do a different exercise. andere/r/s to hate !heIt? sb./sth. I really hate football. jmdn./etw. hassen only !EUnli? I only have one sister. nur Listen and spell 7 sound !saUnd? I cannot hear the sound of the birds. Laut (der), Geräusch (das) bad !bxd? I feel bad because I’m a bad student. schlecht to beat !bi"t? sb. They beat us in the game. jmdn. schlagen to bet !bet? I bet you cannot open the door. wetten to bite !baIt? Our dog doesn’t bite . beißen pan !pxn? Put some eggs in a pan of water. Topf (der), Pfanne (die) pot !pOt? All the pots are in this cupboard. Topf (der) 8 thick !TIk? The opposite of thick is thin. dick sick !sIk? My mum can’t come today, she’s sick . krank Mime the action 9 to wash the dishes !*dISEz? Dad washes the dishes on Sundays. Geschirr abwaschen movie !*mu"vi? (AE) We often watch movies on the computer. Film (der) 10 meal !mi"l? The food you eat at lunch is a meal . Mahlzeit (die) 11 to freeze !fri"z? Water freezes when it is cold enough. (ge)frieren; hier : erstarren freeze-frame !*fri"z freIm? Let’s do a freeze-frame activity. Standbild (das) aus einem Film monkey !*m0Nki? Stop playing the monkey . Affe (der) member !*membE? Ask the other members of your group. Mitglied (das) Show what you can do! 12 start area !*eEriE? This is your start area . hier : Startbereich (der) highest score !haIEst *skC"? Cal has got the highest score . He wins. höchste Punktezahl (die) home area Get your game pieces into your home area . hier : Zielfeld (das) to continue !kEn*tInju"? Then the player on your left continues . weitermachen to hit !hIt? sth. If you hit a game piece, it goes back to the start. etw. schlagen ludo !*lu"dEU? My dad hates ludo . He always loses. Mensch-ärgere-dich-nicht draughts !drA"fts? (BE), checkers (AE) I often play draughts with my sister. Damespiel (das) instruction !In*str0kSn? Read the instructions before you start. Anweisung (die) My time – my activities 1 magic trick !trIk? I want to learn some magic tricks . Zaubertrick (der) Unit 7 160 Vocabulary one hundred and sixty Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv