Prime Time 1, Coursebook

My schoolbag Luke’s schoolbag a) Match the phrases with the pictures and write v the numbers. 1. two orange erasers 2. a pair of scissors 3. eight red pens 4. five white books 5. three green rulers 6. six yellow pencils 7. one box of crayons ji3nu4 2 c) What is in Luke’s schoolbag? Look c at the picture and complete v the text. This is Luke’s schoolbag. It’s brown. There is one green ruler 1 and there are three 2 in it. There are four 3 in Luke’s schoolbag and there is one pair of 4 in it. In Luke’s schoolbag there are also two 5 . And there is a 6 . d) Listen f and check if your sentences are correct. 1.13 rr3u2b b) Listen f to Luke and tick  the things you hear. 1.12 78tm5c Grammar See 1 G 4 Singular (one thing) one book one pen one apple one teacher Regular plural (more things) three book s five pen s seven apple s ten teacher s G Word bank Numbers from 1 to 12: 1 = one board 2 = two schoolbags 3 = three globes 4 = four erasers 5 = five rulers 6 = six pairs of scissors 7 = seven computers 8 = eight pencil cases 9 = nine glue sticks 10 = ten crayons 11 = eleven books 12 = twelve pencils W 1 16 2 Unit My school is cool sixteen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv