Prime Time 1, Coursebook

to celebrate !*selEbreIt? We celebrate Dad’s birthday next week. feiern 9 to skip !skIp? sth. I don’t want to skip the English lesson. etw. auslassen; etw. schwänzen funny !*f0ni? I like her, she is so funny . lustig, komisch Show what you can do! 10 to go shopping I have to go shopping for my mum. einkaufen gehen 11 brand new !brxnd *nju"? This car is brand new . brandneu (quite) a lot !lOt? He talks quite a lot . He never stops. (ziemlich) viel Fun with games 1 spot !spOt? I like that T-shirt with the red spots . Punkt (der) dice !daIs? (pl. dice) For many games you roll a dice to move. Würfel (der) game piece !pi"s? You get 8 game pieces at the beginning. Spielstein (der), Spielfigur (die) board !bC"d? game Chess is a very old board game . Brettspiel (das) card !kA"d? game Let’s play this card game , it’s quite easy. Kartenspiel (das) quiz !kwIz? game Do you like quiz games ? Rätselspiel (das) 2 to sort !sC"t? sth. Sort the words in alphabetical order. sortieren, ordnen to win !wIn? It is always nice to win a game. gewinnen to draw !drC"? a card Draw a card from your partner. eine Karte ziehen to move !mu"v? sth. Now move the red game piece. etw. bewegen to roll !rEUl? a dice The person who starts rolls a dice first. würfeln to lose !lu"z? Nobody wants to lose a game. verlieren to count !kaUnt? Now you can count from 1–99. zählen alphabetical !xlfE*betIkl? order Put the names in alphabetical order . alphabetische Reihenfolge (die) My games 3 chess !tSes? Chess is one of the oldest board games. Schachspiel (das) crossword puzzle !*p0zl? Crossword puzzles can be hard to solve. Kreuzworträtsel (das) happy families Happy families is a fun game for everyone. Quartettspiel (das) hangman !*hxNmxn? We play hangman to practise vocabulary. Galgenmännchen (das) dominoes !*dOmInEUz? In dominoes you match tiles with the same number of spots. Domino(spiel) (das) noughts and crosses !nC"ts En *krOsIz? (BE) , tic-tac-toe Tic-tac-toe is an easy game to play. Tic Tac Toe / Drei gewinnt snakes and ladders !*lxdEz? Snakes and ladders doesn’t take long. Leiterspiel (das) rule !ru"l? The rules are not really difficult. (Spiel-)Regel (die) from top to bottom !*bOtEm? Read the letters from top to bottom . von oben nach unten to turn over Turn the card over to see the picture. umdrehen, aufdecken set !set? You need a set of four cards. Kartenset (das) tile !taIl? In dominoes we use tiles as game pieces. hier: Spielstein (der) square !skweE? A chess board has 64 squares . Quadrat (das) nought !nC"t? Nought is an old word for the number 0. Null (die) cross !krOs? Put a cross next to the right answer. Kreuz (das) row !rEU? Please come and sit in the first row . Reihe (die) Unit 6 159 one hundred and fifty-nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv