Prime Time 1, Coursebook

a tin !tIn? of Many people have a tin of beans for lunch. eine Dose … soup !su"p? I know how to make tomato soup . Suppe (die) 5 to bring !brIN? sb./sth. Bring all your friends to the party. jmdn./etw. (mit)bringen of course !kC"s? Yes, of course . gewiss, natürlich key !ki"? Don’t forget your keys . Schlüssel (der) to forget !fE*get? Some kids always forget their books. vergessen toy car !kA"? This car looks like a toy car , it’s so small. Spielzeugauto (das) 6 spelling !*spelIN? Always check your spelling . Rechtschreibung (die) cherry !*tSeri? (pl. cherries) Cherries are nice and very good for you. Kirsche (die) trolley !*trOli? (pl. trolleys) I need a trolley for all my shopping. Einkaufswagen (der) 7 Excuse !Ik*skju"z? me … Excuse me , where are the soft drinks? Entschuldigung … section !*sekSn? Are the peas in the vegetable section ? Abteilung (die) You’re welcome. Bitte schön. soft drink !*sOft drINk? Soft drinks are often very sweet. nicht alkoholisches Getränk over there !*EUvE DeE? The boy over there is my brother. dort drüben A farewell party for Clara 8 surprise !sE*praIz? Her present was a real surprise . Überraschung (die) to number !*n0mbE? sth. Number the sentences 1 to 10. nummerieren farewell !feE*wel? party Please come to my farewell party . Abschiedsfeier (die) top !tOp? Her new top is just the right size. hier: Oberteil (das) silver !*sIlvE? She wears a silver ring on her finger. silbern, Silber- print !prInt? The print on your T-shirt is really nice. Aufdruck (der) unusual !0n*ju"ZuEl? The colours of his jacket are unusual . ungewöhnlich, ausgefallen What about …? What about this T-shirt ? Was ist mit …? enough !I*n0f? This isn’t enough for him, he is so hungry. genug quite !kwaIt? Her eyes are quite big, she looks fantastic. ziemlich expensive !Ik*spensIv? The book is really expensive , it costs ¤ 99. teuer pocket money !*pOkIt m0ni? How much pocket money do you get? Taschengeld (das) to spend money on … I don’t want to spend money on sweets. Geld ausgeben für … to pick up sth. Pick up the paper from the floor, please. etw. aufheben, nehmen zebra !*zebrE? At the zoo they have three zebras . Zebra (das) stripe !straIp? She has a dress with three yellow stripes . Streifen (der) certainly !*s3"tEnli? Yes, certainly you can come with us. sicherlich to cost !kOst? This book costs nine pounds ninety-nine. kosten in the end In the end I always do what Mum says. schlußendlich doorbell !*dC"bel? The doorbell is very loud. Türglocke (die) to ring !rIN? The bell always rings at eight o’clock. läuten present !*preznt? Was it a present or did you buy it yourself? Geschenk (das) mobile !*mEUbaIl? (phone) Where is Sue’s mobile ? Mobiltelefon (das), Handy (das) the same !seIm? They’ve got the same T-shirt. das gleiche to welcome sb. My mother welcomes her guests. jmdn. willkommen heißen to cry !kraI? I’m really sorry. Please don’t cry anymore. weinen both !bEUT? We are both happy. beide to copy !*kOpi? Copy the new words. kopieren, hier : abschreiben 158 Vocabulary one hundred and fifty-eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv