Prime Time 1, Coursebook

Shopping 1 a carton !*kA"tn? of milk Please get a carton of milk at the shop. eine Milchpackung a bar of chocolate !bA"r Ev *tSOklEt? A bar of chocolate is a nice present. eine Tafel Schokolade sports magazine !*mxgEzi"n? His photo is in the new sports magazine . Sportmagazin (das) balloon !bE*lu"n? In my room I have three red balloons . Ballon (der) computer game I don’t like computer games . Computerspiel (das) lolly !*lOli? (pl. lollies) Lollies are not good for your teeth. Lutscher (der) muffin !*m0fIn? I like chocolate muffins , they are so sweet. Muffin (das) strawberry !*strC"brI? (pl. strawberries) Strawberry cake is my favourite. Erdbeere (die) jelly bean !*dZeli bi"n? Jelly beans come in big packets. Geleebohne (die) sweets !swi"ts? Kids often get sweets for their birthday. Süßigkeiten (die) bread !bred? For breakfast she has bread and butter. Brot (das) cake !keIk? She loves chocolate cake for her birthday. Kuchen (der), Torte (die) fruit !fru"t? You can buy oranges in the fruit section. Obst (das) vegetables !*vedZtEblz? Vegetables like carrots are good for you. Gemüse (das) stationery !*steISnri? In the stationery section you can buy pens. Büromaterial (das) In a corner shop 2 bottle !*bOtl? I always take a bottle of water to school. Flasche (die) lottery !*lOtri? ticket A lottery ticket costs one euro. Lotterieschein (der) a pound !paUnd? of In the bag there is a pound of apples . ein Pfund … (ca. ½ kg) Can I help you? Can I help you? – Yes, please. I need … Kann ich helfen? change !tSeIndZ? You need small change to get in. Kleingeld (das) …each !i"tS? The batteries are 50 pence each . … pro Stück …a pound / a kilo !*ki"lEU? Cherries are 2.50 a pound . … pro Pfund / pro Kilo Anything else? !enITIN *els? Anything else? – No, thank you. Noch etwas? Here you are. A doughnut, please. – Here you are. Hier, bitte. How much is/are … ? How much are the strawberries ? Wie viel kostet … ? customer !*k0stEmE? In the morning customers wait outside the supermarket to get in. Kunde (der), Kundin (die) shop assistant !E*sIstEnt? The shop assistants here are very friendly. Verkäufer (der), Verkäuferin (die) 3 Thanks very much. Vielen Dank. battery !*bxtri? (pl. -ies) There are two AA batteries in my radio. Batterie (die) price !praIs? The price is very high. Kaufpreis (der) lemonade !*lemEneId? Rebecca has lemonade for breakfast. Yuk. Limonade (die) example !Ig*zA"mpl? Give me an example . Beispiel (das) In a supermarket 4 shopping list !*SOpIN lIst? I can make a shopping list for our party. Einkaufsliste (die) sugar !*SUgE? I put a lot of sugar in my tea. Zucker (der) blackberry !*blxkbri? (pl. blackberries) You can find blackberries in Austria. Brombeere (die) pack !pxk? Please get me a pack of chewing gum. Packung (die) Unit 5 157 one hundred and fifty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv