Prime Time 1, Coursebook

The book tour Getting to know your book a) Find these pages in the book and tick  the correct page numbers. 4 Contents four At home p. 71 Vocabulary Rooms in a house • Furniture • Activities at home • Describing a room Grammar Present tense progressive Listening Showing a friend round the house • My dream room Speaking Talk about your dream room Reading Nosy Nancy, the horrible aunt Writing My dream room Song/Rap Monster in the house Video A video message home Food p. 79 Vocabulary Food (English breakfast • Party food) • Likes and dislikes • Recipes • Offering food and drink Grammar a – an – some Listening At the party • Mystery drinks • Having lunch in the school cafeteria Speaking Class interview • What would you like in your smoothie? Reading Mixed recipes Writing Screenplay for the Drama Club Pronunciation [ p ], [ b ], [ k ] and [ g ] Song/Rap The cat is away – the mice will play Video Cooking with Kate Stormy weather p. 87 Vocabulary Months • seasons • Ordinal numbers (1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , … 12 th ) • weather (weather forecasts • temperature) • climate Grammar Talking about the future (… will …) • Present and past Listening What do you hear? • The weather tomorrow Speaking What’s the weather like …? • Class interview Reading Crazy weather Writing A weather forecast • What do you do when it’s … Song/Rap The crazy weather song Adventure in Grumpland – a play p. 95 Vocabulary Characters in a play Grammar Past tense simple ( was – were • yes/no questions • Where did …? Why did …? • Did …? • Saying no ) Listening Adventure in Grumpland Speaking Acting in a play Reading Adventure in Grumpland Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 1. This is on page 99 7 4  149 Can you remember? a) Listen to the words, look at the pictures and repeat. a c f spot dice grid game piece board game card game computer game quiz game b) Close the book and say the words in the same order. Who can say all the words without making a mistake? Matching and sorting a) Match the words with the pictures. Write the numbers in the boxes. win 1 shout draw mov match roll lose count b) Sort the words in alphabetical order and write them in your exercise book. 1. count, 2. , 3. … 1 3f28pj 2.7 49k3dp 2 1 3 6 7 2 Bingo! 4 8 5 47 forty-seven Fun with games New things • Speaking about games • Pronouncing words • Guessing activities • Sorting words Unit 6 2. This is on page 47 6 9 133 Show what you can do! Language in use: My favourite holiday Complete Terry’s description of his summer holid ys. Use the words from the green box. In the summer holidays 1 my mum and I always go hiking. Last year we went to the 2 in Carinthia, and this ye r we’re going to Tyrol. My mum loves being active. She really likes 3 activities like biking, running or hiking. I think being outside is okay, but it’s not my 4 holiday. What I really love is going to the beach. I went to the beach with my dad two 5 ago. We were in Greece. It was so cool to play on the beach and 6 in the sea. And the 7 was delicious. We had fish every day and my favourite dish: Moussaka. This year, I’m not going away with my dad 8 he has to work. But hiking with my mum is fun too, and who knows – maybe I can spend some 9 on the beach next year? Speaking: Holiday master plan Pick one of the photos and present your holiday master plan to your class. 63nb73 8 l m n I can understand texts about the things people do in the holidays. Ich kann Texte über die Ferienpläne von Menschen verstehen. because • days • favourite • food • holidays mountains • outdoor • swim • years 9 l m n I can talk about my holiday plans. Ich kann über meine Urlaubspläne sprechen. 126 15 Unit Going on holiday l = I’m very good at this. m = I can do this. n = I need help. one hundred and twenty six 3. This is on page 37 3 5 126 Grammar a or an 1 p. 9 a an This is a b ook. This is an a pple. This is a g reen bike. This is an u gly bike. !0? This is a s weet orange. This is an o range. This is a u niform. !ju"? This is an o ld uniform. NOTE: If you hear a consonant at the beginning of the word, use a . NOTE: A–E– I –O–U are vowels (Vokale, Selbst- laute). If you hear a vowel at the beginning of the word, use an . Verwende an , wenn du am Beginn des achfolgenden Wortes einen Vokal (= Selbstlaut) hörst. Bei anderen Wörtern verwendest du a . Personal pronouns: subjects 1 p. 11 SINGULAR ( ne) PLURAL (two/t ree/more) I am so hungry! Chris , you are my best friend. Max is my friend. He is so sweet. Nora is my friend. She is in the park. My school bag is cool. It is pink. Phil and I are friends. We are friends. Phil and Nora, you are my best friends. My parents are super. They are friendly. I we you you he / she / it they am – is – are (to be) 1 p. 11, 17, 41 SINGULAR (one) PLURAL (two/three/more) I am I am from Austria. we are We are in class 1A. you are Are you Paul? you are John and Kate, are you in 1A? he is Peter is from Italy. He is eleven. they are This is Mary, this is Hannah. They are my best friends. she is Ivanka is ten. She is from the USA. it is My bike is new. It is pink. G1 G2 G3 HE SHE IT IS WE YOU THEY ARE BE I AM 136 Grammar one hundred and thirty-six 4. This is on page 20 6 8 136 Vocabulary Englische Laute K nsonanten Vokale Doppellaute !N? morni ng !A"? f a ther !aI? I , m y !r? r ed !0? b u t !aU? no w , h ou se !s? thi s !e? p e n !eE? th ere , p air !z? i s !E? a sist er !eI? n a me, th ey !Z? televi si on !3"? g ir l !IE? h ere , id ea !dZ? pa ge !x? fl a t !CI? b oy !S? sh e !I? i t !EU? hell o !tS? ch air !i? happ y !UE? s ure !D? th e !i"? t ea cher, sh e !T? th anks !O? g o t Zusätzliche Zeichen !v? v ideo !C"? b a ll !*? Die folgende Silbe trägt die stärkste Betonung im Wort. !w? w ow, o ne !U? b oo k !u"? t oo , t wo Alle anderen Zeichen werden genauso ausgesprochen, wie sie geschrieben werden, z. B. !b? , !j? , !l? usw. Abkürzungen AE American English pl. plural etw. et as BE British English sb. somebody jmdm. jemandem coll. colloquial (= u gangssprachlich) sth. something jmdn. jemanden Words in green: basic vocabulary Words in blue: additional vocabulary Words in black: advanced vocabulary Welcome 1 to listen !*lIsEn? to sth./sb. Listen to the song. etw. anhören, jmdm. zuhören to sing along !sIN E*lON? Listen and sing along ! mitsingen everybody !*evribOdi? Hi, everybody ! alle Come on !k0m *On? Come on , let’s go! Komm!/Los! granny !*grxni? I love my granny . Oma (die) grandpa !*grxndpA"? My grandpa can speak English. Opa (der) sister !*sIstE? Ellie is my sister . Schwester (die) brother !*br0DE? My brother is a football fan. Bruder (der) friend !frend? Ali and Lisa are my friends . Freund (der), Freundin (die) father !*fA"DE? My father is from Britain. Vater (der) mother !*m0DE? My mother is a teacher. Mutter (die) smart !smA"t? I have a smart dog. gescheit, klug city !*sIti? London is a big city . Stadt (die) (größer als “town”) village !*vIlIdZ? We live in a village . Dorf (das) country !*k0ntri? Austria is a beautiful country . Land (das) town !*taUn? Baden is a nice town . Stadt (die) (kleiner als “city”) Let’s go !lets *gEU? Let’s go to the zoo! Gehen wir! Unit 1 146 Vocabulary one hundred and forty-six 5. This is on page 51 7 22 146 My English words Write v the words in the correct boxes. 1 pilot tennis acrobat city hamburger cap film tablet car park pizza microphone chatting sneakers mother hotel hockey doctor brother golf jeans computer sister orange juice game Family Free time Food and drink Electronics Sports Shopping Jobs Places car park What I can do with English Match the verbs on the left with the words on the right. Then write sentences. Start with I can … 2 Unit Welcome 1 6. This is on page 85 3 9 112 in the workbook. b) Listen f and check your answers. 11 1.9 1.10 b55n6q 13 1 thirteen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eige tum des Verlags öbv