Prime Time 1, Coursebook

This is me What’s your name? a) Listen f and write v the names in the boxes. mr3zi8 5 1.5 d598sq Phil Francesca Mrs Turner Susie Tina Paula Benny Mario Maya Jackson Useful phrases • What’s your name? • Are you … ? • I’m… . • You are … . • This is … . • Where are you from? • I’m from… . • How old are you? P Scene 1 A: Maya Jackson B: Scene 2 A: B: C: Scene 3 A: B: C: D: b) Go round the class and ask three pupils for their names. Make a list. Start like this: Student A: I’m Robert. And what’s your name? Student B: My name is Hannah. It’s mime time! a) Look c at the pictures, listen f and mime . A B C D E 1 b) Listen. Write v 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 below the right picture. 6 1.6 w2i8h4 1.7 b375y8 10 1 Unit Welcome ten Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv