Prime Time 8, Speaking, Maturatraining

Support material: Comparing and contrasting General phrases This is very different from what I expected. • If you compare … to/with … . • … has often been compared to/with … . • In contrast to/with … . • There’s no comparison between their … . • There the likeness ends. • The two are quite alike, but … . • What differentiates her from … . Sentence builders … is exactly precisely just virtually practically more or less almost nearly approximately about the same as … . … is considerably a great deal (very) much (quite) a lot rather somewhat a little slightly hardly only a little smaller bigger cheaper … than … . Comparing and contrasting More than On the same level as Less/Fewer than considerably better than far superior to (very) much better than to work in the same way as to be similar to to be like sth. else to be of equal value no difference between The same is true of … . It works out about the same, whether … . It always adds up to the same thing. less and less far less interesting than much worse than does not bear comparison with fewer items than 1 2 3 9 3 Fashion and trends Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv