Prime Time 8, Speaking, Maturatraining

Support material: Concluding Community rules of a website Look at the rules of a web community and find reasons why they have been put into place. Stay on topic. Keep it civil and respectful. Keep it legal. Don’t be abusive towards others. No spam. Observe copyright and trademark law. No impersonations. Protect your privacy. Respect the privacy of others. Don’t upload or post inappropriate content. Concluding (see page 64 for key) Use the sentence starters on the left and match them with the chunks on the right to create meaningful sentences. 1. In conclusion, it is clear that … D A rules stop people from being creative. 2. On the whole, … B people need rules to avoid problems. 3. We have put that on one side for the time being because … C everybody should be mature enough to know what to do. 4. Opinion was divided on the issue because… D rules help people to get on well with each other. 5. In general, we have to say that … E unfortunately people are too immature to respect each other. 6. We finally reached a compromise over … F people don’t need rules as long as they treat each other with respect. 7. You said that you agreed with the idea in general that … G people would have lost interest in the site if there had not been strict rules. 8. What I’m saying is, we should keep in mind that … H every community needs rules to function properly. 9. In short, … I rules can be a great help. 10. In brief, … J most people like guidelines. 11. In other words, … K a community with strict rules can also be problematic. 12. Let me put it this way, … L rules give people a chance to interfere. 13. To sum up, … M the issue of rules. 14. I think that just about sums it up because … N only a few people would have problems following the rules of the site. 1 2 / 51 24 Rules, regulations and legal matters Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv