Prime Time 8, Speaking, Maturatraining

Support material: Changing the subject and interrupting Changing the subject Before I forget … . • By the way … . • Changing the subject for a minute … . • Could we change the topic? • I just thought of something. • I know this is changing the subject but … . • I know this isn’t really what we’re talking about, but … . • I would prefer not to discuss this issue with you. • Incidentally, … . • Oh, there’s something else I wanted to ask you. • Oh, while I remember … . • Sorry to cut you off/short, but … . • Speaking about/of … . • That reminds me of … . • That’s funny, because something similar … . • This has got nothing to do with what we’re talking about, but … . • This is not the best topic right now. • What about … ? Changing your mind To change one’s mind to amend • to consider again • to have second thoughts • to reassess • to recheck • to re-evaluate • to rethink • to revise • to see sth. in a new light • to take another look at sth. • to think better of • to think sth. over • to think twice So he’ s changed his mind about people who do not join in with the crowd. She’ s gradually shifted her opinion on the value of inclusive education. I’ ve come round to thinking it’s a good idea. After some thought , I decided that it was worth doing/worth a try. On second thought , I don’t know if it could work. Conceding In a discussion it might be necessary for you to say that you accept or do not deny the truth or existence of something – you concede. Although some people may say … . • At least one can say that … . • Basically, I agree with … , but … . • But the fact remains that … . • Certainly … , but I would still … . • Doubtless … , but … . • I agree with you up to a point, but … . • I see what you mean, but … . • I suppose you’re right, but … . • It cannot be denied that … , but … . • One must also say that … . • One must admit that … , but one … . • One should question whether … . • One should raise the point that … . • Well, if you put it like that … . • Without wishing to belittle … , one … . Interrupting Interrupting Just a second. • Now look here, … . • That reminds me … . • Wait a minute. • Well, I’d just like to say … . • What did you just say? • If I could just interrupt you there … . Stopping the other person from interrupting Before you interrupt me, I would like to … . • Just let me finish my point, please. 1 2 3 4 49 23 Social groups and minorities Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv