Prime Time 8, Speaking, Maturatraining

Support material: Recommending and referring Recommending action Use the phrases below to give recommendations with respect to the negative effects of globalisation by combining them with words and phrases from the yellow box. Tick ( ü ) the phrases you have used. 1 should be changed should be introduced should be observed should be abolished should be reviewed should be reduced should be provided shouldn’t ought to are not supposed to is/were better if the best way to It is necessary to … . It is of great importance that … . have the obligation to needs to be done It would be most desirable if … . should be considered The main priority is to … . ❏ to buy goods from local producers ❏ child labour ❏ to exploit people in developing countries ❏ fair cooperation ❏ fair-trade products ❏ global trade rules ❏ health and safety regulations ❏ to import goods from ❏ to impose taxes on ❏ international trade agreements ❏ multinational companies ❏ to negotiate fair agreements ❏ outsourcing ❏ to pay fair wages ❏ to purchase goods from certified producers ❏ to respect workers’ rights ❏ to support people in developing countries ❏ sweatshops ❏ to take advantage of cheap labour ❏ trade barriers ❏ unemployment ❏ working conditions in factories Example: The main priority is to negotiate fair trade agreements between the Western world and developing countries. Referring to a previous point Use the following phrases and form statements that refer to a previous point in your conversation. As for … . As to … . Did(n’t) you mean to say that … ? Talking about … . As you said (before), … . As far as … is concerned … . Could you say that again, please? If I understood you correctly, you said … . As I mentioned earlier, … . As we saw earlier … . 2 47 22 Globalisation Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv