Prime Time 8, Speaking, Maturatraining

Support material: Expressing doubt Reacting to statements: Expressing doubt (see page 64 for key) a) Match the following sentence halves. In some cases, more than one solution is possible. 1. I’m not sure if parents should … G A are always right. 2. I’m not convinced by what adults … B be loyal to you in such a situation. 3. I’ve got reservations about … C discuss every detail of their private lives. 4. I think teenagers are young adults after all and … D discussing everything with my parents. 5. I doubt if it helps to … E handle their affairs properly. 6. That does not necessarily mean that parents … F have to decide for themselves. 7. There is no reason to assume that teenagers always … G interfere when children have problems at school. 8. I wonder if it is good to … H is going to last. 9. Are you really sure that your friends would … I say about their teenage years. 10. I have my doubts that such a friendship … J tell your teachers about such an incident. b) Use the sentence starters below and rephrase the sentences from above. 1 / They have their doubts that … . 5 You must admit that … . 5 It is still not certain whether … . 5 I’m not sure whether … . 5 After all I don’t think that … . 5 Well, if you ask me I think that … . 5 I have my reservations that … . 5 I think it is debatable if … . 5 I would be very surprised if … . 5 You must admit that … . 5 I’m not at all convinced that … 5 Well, I’m not too sure if … . 5 I still don’t know exactly how … . 5 It is still impossible to say if … . 5 I doubt if … . 5 43 20 Growing up Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv