Prime Time 8, Speaking, Maturatraining

Support material: Expressing certainty Expressing certainty (see page 64 for key) a) Use chunks from both columns and make up statements about future opportunities. 1. There’s no doubt that … D A a job should also be rewarding, not just well-paid. 2. It’s absolutely certain that … B a career in business is what most people want. 3. I am absolutely certain that … C having enough spare time is more important than a career. 4. I am sure that … D this job will pay more than any other. 5. As I was saying, … E stress-related illnesses are on the rise. 6. I’m totally sure that … F I will have a family before long. 7. As a rule, … G I will not be able to stand the pressure. 8. There is no doubt that … H women are underpaid. 9. After all, … I loyalty is one of the key features of an employee. 10. What I wanted to say is that … J soft skills are most important. 11. I am convinced that … K managers have a lot of responsibility. 12. Undoubtedly, … L competition is vital in modern business. b) Write down one statement for each of the sentence starters. Referring to the future Make up a short statement about your personal future, using as many of the phrases below as possible. in the future after school in the next few years after leaving school next month before going to university next year after graduating in a few months after my graduation in a few years later in ten years from now before long in summer in five years’ time 1 / 2 39 18 Plans and future opportunities Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv