Prime Time 8, Speaking, Maturatraining

Support material: Generalising and quantifying Generalising When you make generalisations rather than say something is a fact, you will sound less sure of yourself and therefore more open to other people’s opinions and ideas. All in all , using mobile phones has more advantages than disadvantages. All things considered , the situation could be much worse. The phone reception was quite good, actually almost always flawless. As a (general) rule , if you haven’t used an app for 6 months, you don’t need it. But broadly speaking the health issues related to mobile phones are not really worrying. It has taken us a long time to accept that the choices made by the government were, by and large , the right ones. For the most part it has been comparatively cheap and convenient to use social networking sites. Generally (speaking) , the traditional phone system is unable to meet current demands. Society often has a tendency to reject technical progress at first. It may be true in a large number of cases , and it may be false in an equally large number. Offensive language has no place in e-mails in particular and in communication in general . In some cases , parents are forced to choose between giving in to peer pressure and turning their child into a social outcast. In most cases , people do not care about security measures on the web. Travelling in a foreign country leads to higher phone costs, but in my experience even the experienced traveller needs to stay in touch with his family and friends from time to time. It goes without saying that we are proud of what our company has achieved. I’ve often found that the opposite works. More often than not , the decision is not so simple. Most of the time , young teenagers are not even taken seriously. My morning routine normally begins with checking my mailbox and looking at my Facebook page. On the whole , parents should work on protecting their children’s privacy. Overall , phone costs have gone up by more than the inflation rate. Taking everything into account , the people at the call centre do a great job. Young phone users are typically interested in using instant messaging services rather than e-mail. A new study has found that people who use their mobiles regularly usually spend more money on online shopping than other groups. Quantifying Expressions of quantity are placed before nouns and express “how much” or “how many”. Today, there’s a (large) number of people that don’t have desktop computers. There are, however, a couple of lessons here for everyone. I would like to make a few points regarding reduced prices of smartphones. Smartphones fail in a great deal of rural areas, as there’s no data service at all. I’m unfortunately a little bit of a phone junkie myself. Many young people are entering the job market without the right communication skills. Being without a mobile phone can be one of the most miserable experiences imaginable for some. Learning how to use mobile communication was much easier for me than it was for my parents. Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn’t dare to enjoy it. They do spend (quite) a lot of money on new devices. The question of how much internet control is necessary has been hotly debated for several years. The majority of smartphone owners in the US don’t download any apps. 1 2 33 15 Communication Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv