Prime Time 8, Speaking, Maturatraining

Support material: Refusing permission and presenting solutions Refusing permission Use phrases from the list below and form recommendations with regard to media use. You can’t (possibly) … . I don’t allow you to … . I (absolutely) forbid you to … . I cannot accept that … . I’d rather you didn’t … . I mustn’t … . I don’t want … to … . My … has forbidden me to … . It is forbidden to … . It is (strictly) prohibited … . We don’t need to … until … . I am authorised to … . Presenting solutions: Internet access at school Combine the phrases in the left column with appropriate phrases from the right one. Find at least two options for each introductory phrase. Make sure you use the correct form. What would work out best is if we … code to access the internet in school. What we could do is … settings for internet access. Couldn’t we simply change the … put on a workshop for internet users. As I see it, the solution is clear: we need to … inform parents about the dangers of the internet. I wonder if we could change the … ban mobile phones in school. Why don’t we … revise/change our policies. We should not forget to … present the benefits and the dangers of the internet. Vocabulary revision: Media (see page 64 for key) Go through the list and find a fourth word related to the other three in that line. Each of them refers to a form of media. 1. volume cover hardback book 2. internet forum newsgroup blog 3. supplement headline editorial 4. presenter phone-in programme feature 5. coverage anchor documentary 1 2 3 31 14 Media Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv