Prime Time 8, Speaking, Maturatraining

Support material: Expressing intentions Expressing intentions Asking what someone intends or wants I would like to know what you want to do. • I’m not quite sure what you intend by that. • What do you intend to do? • What do you propose to do about … ? • Why do you want to … of all things? Saying what you intend I am (really) determined to … . • I have no intention whatsoever of … . • I just wanted to … . • I meant to … . • I’m planning to … . • I’m toying with the idea of … . • One of these days I’m going to … . Saying what you (don’t) want or like I don’t feel inclined to … . • I don’t intend to … . • I feel like … . • I have decided to … . • I have made up my mind to … . • I hope I’ll … . • I really want everyone to … . • I’d really like to … . • It is very important that … . • My dearest wish is to … . • There’s absolutely no question of my … . Suggesting Asking for suggestions Does anyone have a better suggestion? • What am I/is one supposed to do? • What would you do if you were me? Suggesting I think you should … I’d advise you to … Is there any reason why we shouldn’t … It might not be a bad idea to … Let’s … Perhaps you ought to … Why don’t you just … Why not … You could always … You mustn’t forget to … You would certainly be advised to … You’d have no choice but to … agree with the decision … . be more specific … . carry on … . clarify that for us … . elaborate on that … . emphasise … . examine that further … . explain what you mean by … . put it differently … . reconsider … . repeat … . say that again. Have you considered … Have you ever thought of … How about … How would you feel about … May I suggest … What about … check ing the figures? shar ing some examples? start ing now? stopp ing … ? support ing … ? tackl ing it this way? 1 2 29 13 Art and culture Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv