Prime Time 8, Speaking, Maturatraining

Support material: Presenting ideas Presenting your ideas Use the phrases below to introduce and link the statements about cultural similarities and differences in Britain. Starting Continuing Concluding First … . Firstly, … . In the first place … . First of all, there’s the question of … . I want to begin by looking at … . Let’s look at the general idea first … . Secondly, … . Thirdly, … . As far as … is/are concerned … . Furthermore … . In addition to … . In addition to this there is … . As well as … . One must also remember that … . Then there’s … . At this point … . In this context … . To return to our main issue … . Besides (that), … . Another thing is … . Finally … . Finally, I’d like to say … . 1 5 There are strong immigrant communities all over Britain, especially in London and bigger cities. 5 It can be said that immigrants play a major role in public life in Britain. 5 Many immigrants have brought their own customs and traditions, which can be seen in many ways. In many towns and cities immigrants contribute to local communities by running corner shops and providing services that would otherwise not be available. 5 5 For many the British Monarchy is the link between various cultures and backgrounds. 5 Britain has always had close relationships with her former colonies. 5 A number of members of immigrant communities have climbed the social ladder and are now well-respected lawyers, doctors, academics or politicians. 27 12 Political, historical and cultural aspects of English-speaking countries Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv