Prime Time 8, Speaking, Maturatraining

Support material: Agreeing and supporting Agreeing But of course! • I (totally) agree with you. • I agree with what you say. • I couldn’t agree more. • I know exactly what you mean. • I quite/totally/absolutely agree. • I suppose that’s generally true. • I think that’s rather/pretty good. • I think you are absolutely right. • Neither/Nor do I. • So do I. • That’s a great idea! • That’s a(n) excellent/great/good idea. • That’s what I think! • That’s a good point. • What a good idea. • Yes, I’m all for it/… . • You are absolutely right. Agreeing in part I see what you mean, I’d go along with you on that up to a point, That’s a valid point, They have got a case, You could be right, You may be right there, You’ve got a point, but yet however I don’t think it would work. the costs are very high. it’s not the whole story. I’m not convinced. others might not agree. Showing approval More informally More formally I think that is a good idea. • I think that is a good suggestion/strategy/plan. • You are right to … . • We agree with your decision (not) to … . • I (really) liked the way … . • I was really impressed by … . We are in broad agreement with … . • He/She (quite) rightly emphasises … . • One can only admire … . • We are very/enormously impressed with … . • We welcome … . • We are delighted with … . • I would like to express my complete support for … . • It is easy to understand how … . • The best solution would certainly be … . • One has only to glance at these lines … . • It was high time that … . Supporting an argument In a discussion it is sometimes necessary to support your argument with a statement an expert has made: • A and B argue that … . • As C, Associate Professor of Chemistry, notes … . • Journalist D offers another perspective: … . to accept • to acknowledge • to add (to) • to admit • to agree (to) • to argue • to believe • to claim • to confirm • to declare • to defend • to demonstrate • to deny • to dispute • to emphasise • to explore • to illustrate • to imply • to insist (on) • to justify • to note • to observe • to point out • to recognise • to reject • to state • to suggest • to think • to write 1 2 3 4 13 5 Sports (including social and economic aspects) Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv