Prime Time 8, Speaking, Maturatraining

Support material: Expressing likes and dislikes Talking about health issues a) Go on the internet and search using the following keywords: • food + healthy + future • “How to deal with stress” b) Read at least two of the texts that come up and make a list of five useful phrases/expressions you would like to remember. Expressing likes and dislikes a) Take items of food, people and activities and form sentences with the phrases from the table below. b) Write down at least five phrases for each category to memorise. Likes Dislikes Food to find sth. enjoyable to like sth. to love sth. to have a soft spot for sth. to be crazy about sth. to have a passion for sth. to hate sth. to be not able to stand sth. to not like sth. … does not agree with me. Usually I don’t eat … . People to appreciate sb. to like sb. to love sb. to admire sb. to be fond of sb. to adore sb. to think well of sb. to be attached to sb. to respect sb. to fancy sb. to be mad about sb. to find sb. attractive to have a crush on sb. What I really/most like about … is … . to hate sb. to be not able to stand sb. to not like sb. to detest sb. to loathe sb. to find sb. appalling/impossible to find sb. unable to bear to be not able to bear sb. to detest sb. to despise sb. The worst thing is that … . What I really hate is the way … . Activities to be fond of doing sth. to like doing sth. to enjoy doing sth. to quite enjoy doing sth. to find/take pleasure in doing sth. to be into doing sth. to be keen on doing sth. to do sth. for fun to dislike sth. to find sth. intolerable to hate sth. to not like sth. to loathe sth. Such behaviour is totally unacceptable. How to start a sentence (see page 64 for key) Look at the sentence starters below and underline the ones that do not indicate a clear opinion. I am not in a position to comment on … . • I am not in a position to judge … . • I don’t think that … . • My feeling is that … . • I don’t want to comment on … . • Well, actually, … . • I find it hard to … . • I personally … . • I really think that … . • I would rather not comment on … . • I’ve honestly never thought about … . • If you ask me, … . • In my opinion, … . • It depends on what you mean by … . • It is hard to say … . • It’s really quite simple … . • Look at it this way … . 1 2 3 11 4 Nutrition, health and welfare Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv