Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

Language in use: HIV/AIDS in Hollywood movies a) You are going to read a text about the representation of HIV/AIDS in Hollywood movies. Some words are missing from the text. Choose from the list (A–P) the correct part for each gap (1–13) in the text. There are two extra words you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. Hollywood has, since the … (0) of celluloid, played an important role in the … (Q1) of our society and people’s ways of thinking. Often films allow us to open our minds and learn new things we may not have once understood or felt … (Q2) with. But when I look back at the short and recent history of films that include HIV and/or AIDS in their plot, I find it … (Q3) to think of a single one that has challenged our way of thinking or … (Q4) our culture forward by bringing light to scenarios or situations that were true to today’s way of living for those with HIV. One that … (Q5) the idea that having HIV is now manageable, and daily treatment with today’s medications can, and most likely will, reduce your viral load, … (Q6) increasing the quality and length of your life. The portrayals we’ve seen, while they may have been award-worthy, still pulled us further away from our goal of reducing … (Q7) . They may even have reinforced it. The huge absence of HIV-positive … (Q8) is not just limited to film. This is also true in … (Q9) TV. In fact the last non- reality US television series that included a main character living with HIV (and not dying of it) was Showtime’s Queer as Folk – the finale aired in 2005. Between the … (Q10) of education that plagues our youth and the lack of … (Q11) among so-called low-risk populations, it’s no wonder that stigma is the leading perpetrator of a … (Q12) infection rate year after year. A large portion of the … (Q13) still doesn’t know the difference between HIV and AIDS, and Hollywood has yet to come to the rescue. (Scott McPherson, , 1 November 2013; adapted and abridged) A advancement H losing O stigma 0 F Q7 B awareness I population P written Q1 Q8 C comfortable J pushed Q2 Q9 D consistent K reflects Q3 Q10 E impossible L representation Q4 Q11 F invention M scripted Q5 Q12 G lack N significantly Q6 Q13 b) Study the text above and find synonyms for the phrases below. 1. views, attitudes: ways of thinking 2. to give us the opportunity: 3. drugs: 4. to be restricted to: 5. to trouble: 6. mark of disgrace: 4 ✔ / 96 Ideals and reality 19 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv