Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

Language in use: Modern slavery You are going to read a text about modern forms of slavery. Some words are missing from the text. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1–11) in the text. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. The term slavery conjures up … (0) of the transatlantic slave trade that was abolished in the 19 th century. However, according to the latest figures of the International Labour Organisation about 20 million people around the world are … (Q1) like slaves. These poor people are forced to work – either through physical or mental pressure, they are owned and closely controlled by their masters – often through mental or physical abuse or the … (Q2) of abuse, they are treated as a commodity that can be bought and sold, and finally they are restricted in their movements. Modern slavery can … (Q3) people of all ages, gender and ethnic background. In many cases workers in developing countries are treated like slaves and have to work under … (Q4) conditions for minimal wages in order to produce goods which their masters can sell toWestern companies for a fraction of what these companies earn in theWestern world. And in spite of these low prices the company owners in developing countries still … (Q5) enormous amounts of money – at least for the countries they live in. When a textile factory in Bangladesh … (Q6) on 24 April 2013, over 1,045 textile workers making clothes forWestern brands were killed. This accident drew international … (Q7) to the plight of poor Bangladeshis who were held like slaves and forced to work without proper protection and … (Q8) regulations. As a consequence of this disaster new guidelines were drawn up to improve the situation of the … (Q9) in the garment factories in Bangladesh and elsewhere. However, as long as consumers inWestern countries keep buying clothes frommajor brands which sell goods produced under inhuman … (Q10) nothing will change in the developing world. The only way to put a … (Q11) to this development is to exert consumer power by refusing to buy textile products produced under such circumstances. 0 A views B looks C images D portraits Q1 A threatened B treated C trodden D threaded Q2 A fright B treat C threat D fear Q3 A effect B affect C effectuate D afford Q4 A appealing B appalled C appealed D appalling Q5 A earn B have earned C had earned D put on Q6 A collided B colluded C collated D collapsed Q7 A excitement B attention C suspicion D focus Q8 A security B healthy C safety D safe Q9 A workforce B jobs C works D masters Q10 A circumstances B developments C reactions D atmosphere Q11 A finish B end C halt D stoppage 0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 C 3 / ✔ 95 19 Ideals and reality Nur zu Prüfzweck n – Eigentum des Verlags öbv