Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

Language in use: Consumerism among children a) You are going to read a text about children as consumers. Some words are missing from the text. Choose from the list (A–P) the correct part for each gap (1–13) in the text. There are two extra words you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. There is no doubt that children have enormous … (0) power, both directly and indirectly. On the one hand many of them have large … (Q1) of money to spend, on the other hand they are able to persuade and … (Q2) parents on what to buy. This may be due to the fact that parents often give in to their children’s … (Q3) because they do not have the … (Q4) to say no. After all, if the money is around there does not seem to be a major problem. However, if the family is short of money, the situation is awkward for parents and children alike. Children want to keep up with their … (Q5) and parents do not want to reject their children’s wishes. But what can you do if you simply cannot … (Q6) what you would like to buy? … (Q7) and marketing experts know about the power of children and … (Q8) this aspect as best they can. Children are being … (Q9) specifically – either to influence their parents or to become loyal customers once they have grown up. When it became apparent that children under the age of ten are unable to distinguish between commercials and regular TV programmes, states like Sweden … (Q10) advertising during children’s prime time. It is extremely … (Q11) that even one single exposure to a TV advert might change the consumer habits of a child for a long time, if not forever, as brand names and slogans are firmly … (Q12) on a child’s memory. Such long-term strategies are the … (Q13) of advertising, making sure that future consumers choose the right product from the right company. A advertisers H exploit O targeted 0 N Q7 B afford I imprinted P worrying Q1 Q8 C amounts J influence Q2 Q9 D backbone K negotiation Q3 Q10 E banned L nerve Q4 Q11 F busy M peers Q5 Q12 G demands N purchasing Q6 Q13 b) Find synonyms for these expressions in the text above. 1. undoubtedly: there is no doubt 2. to win approval or support for: 3. side: 4. TV commercial: 5. person who buys sth.: 6. specific name of a company: 7. plans of action: 6 ✔ / 88 Big money 17 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv