Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

Language in use: Why immigrants are more successful than you a) You are going to read a text about the reasons for the economic success of immigrants. In most lines of the text there is a word that should not be there. Write that word in the space provided after each line. Some lines are correct. Indicate these lines with a tick ( ü ). There are two examples at the beginning. Do you love the four-hour workweek?Well, immigrants don’t do ! They don’t do 0 even believe in the forty-hour workweek. Instead of trying to figure out how ü 00 they can work less hours each week, they try to figure out how they can work Q1 in more hours. Sixty, seventy and even eighty hours are the numbers Q2 immigrants also try to work each week. I know a few Indians who have two Q3 full-time jobs, which means they are literally working with eighty hours Q4 every week. And although working eighty hours a week doesn’t give you the Q5 best quality of life insurance, it gives you the potential to make more money. Q6 By the way, it’s easier to save money than to earn it. This is why immigrants Q7 are frugal because when they understand that it is really hard to earn Q8 money – especially if you are working eighty-hour weeks. They are never Q9 afraid to ask other for discounts, because they know that if you never ask Q10 you’ll never receive calling. From negotiating at clothing stores to only Q11 buying things that are on sale experts, immigrants always find ways to save Q12 money. When times get tough the one thing that increases your odds of Q13 success story is having a good education. Whether you are a teenage Q14 immigrant or a middle-aged immigrant, it is never too late to go back to the Q15 school. If you have a bachelor’s degree, on average you’ll make $900,000 Q16 more over your lifetime than someone who just has seen a high school Q17 diploma. And if you have a master’s degree, you’ll make $1,200,000 more in Q18 your lifetime almost than a high school graduate. Apart from that, Q19 immigrants never take neither “no” for an answer. Just because someone Q20 tells you “no”, it doesn’t mean that you can’t change that “no” to a “yes”. Q21 When my family first immigrated over here so my mum could not find Q22 a job as a preschool teacher. So when they told her “no”, why she told them Q23 that she would work for free. Months later what they decided to hire her Q24 and, more importantly, pay her. If someone tells you “no”, it just means “not Q25 right now”. That “not right now” can turn you into a “yes” later on. Q26 b) Now read the conclusion of the text and underline all the different tense forms you detect. Can you explain why each tense form was used and what the author wants to express by using them? 4 Have you heard the saying that the grass is greener on the other side? For immigrants, it usually is greener. Although they may not be living in a fancy home or a rich neighbour- hood when they first immigrate, those living conditions are still better than the ones they came from. This is why they rarely complain about life because there really is nothing to be sad about. In their eyes, life is truly good. They have a roof over their heads and their kids are getting a great education. The next time you see an immigrant walking by, don’t judge them because of their job, the way they talk or the clothes they wear. Be careful, as some of the richest immigrants I know still drive their beat-up car that is fifteen years old and they buy their clothes fromWal-Mart, and only when they are on sale. Immigrants are successful because of their beliefs and the way they were brought up. So, take a page out of their book and learn a few things from them because it isn’t too late for you to do so and, more importantly, to become successful. (Neil Patel, , 30 June 2010; adapted and abridged) 5 10 15 20 25 73 14 Migration Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv