Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

How to speculate a) Match the words or phrases below with the ones in bold print . Use the correct forms. 2 to review to suspect to wonder to figure out to guess to read between lines to reflect on 1. He thought about his behaviour and then he decided that he had to be more careful in the way he talked to people. reflected on 2. My mum bought a book about gender differences because she wanted to write about it in our local paper. 3. When I asked her about it I had to guess what she meant because she was very vague about it. 4. I had no clue what the correct answer was, so I had to choose one that appealed to me . 5. It was hard to understand why the numbers had dropped dramatically. 6. The detective had a feeling that the murderer was still in the area. 7. None of the waiters paid any attention to us, so we asked ourselves whether we should stay or leave. b) Match the sentences with the most appropriate words or phrases. 1. to brainstorm D A She has started to focus on her thoughts in order to relieve some of her stress from work. 2. to build castles in the air B When he found out more about his father’s upbringing, he had to think about his life carefully the whole afternoon. 3. to ponder C Instead of working on her paper Clare spends most of her time daydreaming . 4. to consider D They thought about the problem carefully and tried to solve it by looking for various options. 5. to deliberate on E If they had really cared for him, Michael thought logically , they would have stayed. 6. to meditate F There are quite a few things to think about before we can decide what to do next. 7. to reason G The group of conspirators planned to overthrow the government. 8. to scheme H In the end I think she will get everything, which is what she wanted all along. 9. to suppose I Ida thought about how to start her talk at the conference for a long time , and then suddenly rose and left. c) Rewrite the sentences from tasks a and b with the alternative words and phrases in the correct form. / 65 13 Gender issues Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv