Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

Saving the planet Climate change a) Write down a definition for each of the words below, combining one phrase from column 1 and one phrase from column 2. Make sure that you use the right forms and tenses. 1 1. biofuel 2. carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) 3. carbon footprint 4. climate change 5. deforestation 6. fossil fuels 7. global warming 8. greenhouse effect 9. mitigation 10. renewable energy 11. weather Column 1 Column 2 fuel derived from renewable, biological sources produce carbon dioxide when burned pattern of change affecting the global or regional climate including crops such as maize and sugar cane insulating effect of certain gases in the atmosphere by-product of human activities such as burning fossil fuels formed in the Earth over millions of years such as average temperature and rainfall principal greenhouse gas produced by human activity allows solar radiation to warm the earth state of the atmosphere in a given period of time amount of carbon emitted by an individual or organisation with regard to temperature, cloudiness, rainfall, wind and other meteorological conditions permanent removal of standing forests by reducing greenhouse gas emissions or absorbing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere energy created from sources that can be replenished in a short period of time largely caused by man-made greenhouse gas emissions action that will reduce man-made climate change leading to significant levels of carbon dioxide emissions steady rise in global average temperature biomass, the movement of water, geothermal, wind, and solar b) Complete the sentences with suitable words from above. 1. The United Nations warn that growing crops to make “green” biofuel drives up food prices. 2. A new app lets you tie your with what you buy. 3. Their fumes contributed to the which causes the polar ice caps to melt. 4. A combination of climate change and is making the Amazon rainforest increasingly vulnerable to devastating forest fires. 5. Much of the air pollution is caused by burning to generate heat and electricity. 6. with the exception of offshore wind power is getting cheaper all the time. 7. The region can experience extreme that can include high winds and heavy rains. 8. The operation will contribute to climate change by using renewable energy sources and energy efficiency enhancements. 59 12 Saving the planet Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv