Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

Plural forms a) Write the plural forms into the correct boxes below. analysis • bacterium • basis • box • bush • calf • child • class • craft • crisis • criterion • curriculum • deer • fish • foot • fox • goose • half • headquarters • hero • journey • key • knife • leaf • life • louse • man • match • means • medium • mouse • offspring • ox • phenomenon • potato • -self • series • sheep • shelf • species • thesis • thief • tomato • tooth • volcano • wolf • woman -is g -es -o g -es … g -es analyses heroes boxes -f(e) g -ves -ey g -eys -oo- g -ee- calves journeys feet -on g -a -um g -a -ouse g -ice criteria bacteria lice Complete change No change (singular) No change (plural) children craft headquarters b) Look up the words you don’t know in an online dictionary, check the meaning and write one sample phrase or sentence in your exercise book. 4 56 Ireland 11 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv