Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

Life at the Globe Theatre a) Look at the sentence halves below and complete them with what you know about the Globe Theatre. Study the texts on pages 146 and 147 in Prime Time 7 if you are short of ideas. 3 The audience People in the audience were allowed to … . They paid … . They often … . They even threw things at the actors if … . The props and costumes Hardly any props were … . Actors had to describe … . Costumes were often chosen … . An actor with a lantern meant that … . The stage The stage was open … . When actors were on stage, they stood … . There was no … . Above the stage there was … . The actors The plays were performed only … . The parts of the ladies were … . The actors had to speak … . Actors were members … . The plays The plays were written for … . They included … . Shakespeare wrote about … . Shakespeare’s plays were published … . Plays were usually performed … . The building The Globe Theatre had the shape of … . The centre of the theatre was … . The theatre was made of … . The roof was … . A flag on the roof of the theatre indicated … . b) Combine the sentences from the task above to create a well-rounded text about the Globe Theatre. Use linking words where necessary. 51 10 Shakespeare live Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv