Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

Language in use: Attack of the paparazzi You are going to read an article about the daily life of a paparazzo. Some words are missing from the text. Use the words in brackets to complete each gap (1–12) in the text. Write your answers in the spaces provided at the end of the text. The first one (0) has been done for you. Vladimir Labissiere sits off Sunset Boulevard in his new black Mercedes E350. He spends a lot of time in alleys waiting for his shots. The 40-year-oldVlad is a pap, short for paparazzo, the despised shooters who bring you all the pictures and videos you say you loathe but … (0 actual ) stare at online for hours. He’s one of … (Q1 hundred ) in L.A., trying to make a living on anywhere from $10,000 to $150,000 a year by photographing every move an A-, B- or even D-lister … (Q2 make ) . Some of the stars hate them, some of the stars use them in a now-estimated billion-dollar business, where millions of … (Q3 consume ) scan websites, magazines and television shows for the … (Q4 tiny ) scrap of information. Vlad is one of them. Right now, he’s waiting for British pop star Jessie J to emerge and head to a nearby recording studio. Vlad checks her Instagram page and sees that she’s at the rooftop pool, so it will be a while. Paps live on situational … (Q5 aware ) – a … (Q6 six ) sense anticipating what is going to happen next. It’s not an easy life, being a pap, and it’s getting harder. New legislation went into effect in California on January 1 st , preventing paps from shooting children in an … (Q7 alarm ) manner based on their parents’ fame. This was bad news for the paps, since mum-and-kid shots sell best. A little after 1:00, Jessie J … (Q8 final ) appears. An SUV pulls out of the hotel andVlad follows. Jessie J is in the back seat. He trails her to Record Plant Studios, overtaking her car so he can arrive a minute or two early and set up. He’s already on the sidewalk and shooting when a … (Q9 secure ) guy asks him to let Jessie’s mum pass. Vlad agrees and then shoots Jessie wearing a wig and a tired smile. “Jessie’s huge in England,” he says. “I’ll shoot her every day, and I’ll have a complete story to sell. It’s not about one picture – it’s about the whole story.” He drives away, but quickly turns his car around as he sees a white Range Rover drive by and recognises the license plate. “Yeah, ‘047’. It’s January Jones!” The best paps have memorised hundreds of license plates. Some celebs know it and … (Q10 constant ) switch cars. Vlad claims he’s seen Harry Styles driving half a dozen … (Q11 differ ) vehicles. Vlad might make about $500 for an exclusive Jones shot, but could make twice that for one with her kid. The Rover pulls up to a house in a nondescript (Q12 neighbour ) . Vlad can see a toddler in a car seat. Nothing happens for a while. Eventually, Vlad breaks off the chase, reasoning Jones is heading home to Los Feliz, and that won’t work. (Stephen Rodrick, Rolling Stone , 17 April 2014; adapted and abridged) 0 actually Q1 Q7 Q2 Q8 Q3 Q9 Q4 Q10 Q5 Q11 Q6 Q12 5 ✔ 38 Celebrities 7 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv